April 2022 | Squeeze in Abundance

My intention this month is to
allow abundance.

Happy new month my beautiful lights!

A biiiiiiiiiig breath in for April. A loud siiiiiiigh out for March.

I missed writing to you all last month. Total transparency, the inner chaos to show up imperfectly via email + social media these last few months have been so real. I have been in my own healing experience so deep, reliving a lot of suppressed fear, keeping me clouded mentally with so much judgement. There was so much resistance to honoring my hermit + her desire for lots of privacy. She needed a break from sharing + I needed space to mother myself more. As much as I know how + when to honor myself, this practice is still an uncomfortable one for my perfectionist (she is quite the protector of my self-care + biz!).

So last month, I walked myself into a szn of “rehab + recovery” to let go of even more people pleasing, the urgency to update + keeping up socially. What an experiment this was for my nervous system. Here in the disguise of fear (“perfectionism”) I found where there was so much energy bound + blocked up. Talk about discomfort. Talk about exhaustion. I am learning quite a lesson on all things energy + balance right now. Self-care was fearfully scheduled from a place of lack + scarcity, and depleting my energy rather than recharging it! I noticed a unique, new narrative create my reality that came from a place of panic. From this energy, self-care was not so restorative. What a life-giving breakthrough.

This month, I choose again. It is my absolute favorite to enter new month energy for this reason alone. New, fresh beginnings! Every breath is a moment to start anew. Especially today, we are supported with the New Moon in Aries (aka the 1st day of a brand new zodiac year!)

In the spirit of newness, I am setting the intention to allow again. Release the force, control + perfection. Thanking all that has come + appreciating all that is on the way. If you need it: my signature monthly intention setting workshop is here to guide you to reflect, renew + release. To join us on April 5, sign up for the Guided by AM membership to access my resource library + receive support from this zest community all month long.


A big squeeze to celebrate our first retreat!

No words, just zesties. Still receiving + forever remembering this Guided by AM retreat weekend as our reality. Four years of setting intentions, slowing down + squeezing in self-care as my practice + philosophy were all along the seeds being planted + dream being watered for the most abundant reality that unfolded this weekend hosting a sacred space for self-care + this community in Cali at Four Moons Spa.

**THIS is the zest life ive been dreaming of, the heart work ive been creating space for + the energy + reality far exceeded the vision i held for so long**

The commitment. The community. The connection. The care.

Thank you for seeing yourself. Thank you for choosing yourself. Thank you for showing up for yourself. Thank you for seeing me. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for receiving me.

Your self-care saves the world. Your intentions are potent. Your energy matters.

The zest is yet to come! I am confidently clear retreats will be on repeat ;)

join us for the next self-care weekend…

Next weekend (April 9-11), we will gather at Four Moons Spa in Encinitas, CA for a somatic multi-day retreat so you can enter a new season of life feeling embodied, empowered + rejuvenated!

Spaciousness for Self-Care is where 3 healers will be collaborating to share their gifts with the women who are ready to rest + receive.

We cannot wait to hold space for you, uplift you, and expand your vision as to what's possible for you in 2022.

Wanna squeeze in self-care with us?

Psssssst! GUIDED BY AM Members, check your monthly member email for a discount code!





So hello, April! Let's allow all the abundance to flow again. These are my 3 tips to support your self-care this month...

I. Forgive + have fun.

What thoughts are creating your reality? Watch out for your sneaky judgement! Next time you catch your thoughts spiraling...pause, notice, forgive + return to fun! Oh my squeeze, the freedom you will FEEL. Making forgiveness my return-to-me practice was one of the best techniques I have added to my self-care toolbox. It is okay (+ normal) to think and feel negative things, you are human. Your reaction to your experience is always a choice. Rather than fearing failure, crave the opportunity to learn and grow. Try on forgiveness, and follow up that feeling of freedom with some fun. Give my forgiveness meditation inside the Guided by AM membership a listen whenever you need a little extra support.

II. Add in affirmations.

Affirmations are a great way to cultivate a positive mindset before or when your old negative thought patterns and beliefs pop in. What you believe, is what you see. (Read that again). Believe it in your mind first, and then you will live in alignment with what you wish to see. Adding affirmations into my life daily has changed so much for me. Iykyk this affirmation card deck is my favorite to guide me back to myself on repeat.

III. Cleanse your chakras.

Bringing you balance this month with guidance all around your energy centers! Learn about your chakras + where your energy may be imbalanced. Join me inside my Guided by AM membership for a 7 Day Chakra Cleanse. I'll be sharing all my tips for chakra self-care via self-care starting Monday, April 4.

[sign up to join us]


So excited to announce a NEW restorative yoga lineup for the Spring at Four Moons Spa in Encinitas, CA! I'm so honored to guide my signature AMyoga Reiki + Restore class to this beautiful, cosmic community. See class schedule below to come flow.

Every week at @fourmoonsspa

Sunday, April 3 | 8:30AM - 9:45AM
Reiki + Restore with Alison

Saturday, April 16 | 8:30AM - 9:45AM
Reiki + Restore with Alison

Sunday, April 24 | 8:30AM - 9:45AM
Reiki + Restore with Alison


Fresh squeezed self-care support happening this month inside the Guided by AM membership…

NEW! 3 guest healer workshops
NEW! human design classroom lesson
NEW! awakening read community book club call

Here to guide you to master your own unique energy, create a restful lifestyle, and align your self-care with intention + ease.

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! Here is where you belong. This is my heart work + I am so grateful to be here sharing this beautiful journey with this community of beautiful lights.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,

February 2022 | Squeeze in Faith

My intention this month is to
let it all come to fruition.

Happy new month my beautiful lights!

Well last month felt like one big long inward hibernation, how about you? From what I gathered from this community, I am far from alone. There is so much beauty in the space of slowness. Setting the intention for the year to simplify created quite the collapse in structure I did not anticipate. But, the universe does not give you what you want, it gives you want you need ;)

So for me, all the old systems, patterns, behaviors + ways of doing that were no longer aligned or meant for me in this year or years ahead had to shed. Cue major breakdowns. And then, cue major breakthroughs. The greatest gift last month brought me was the opportunity to lean into my dream team of support. Nourish your relationships with your zesties AND deeply receive them. I will forever encourage you to ask for help. Flex your strength + vulnerability by leaning into support.

And so after some serious new roots grew in + a new foundation was stabilized, the creativity + inspiration flowed. My energy has been vibrating from one chakra up to the next. Now, some serious solar plexus energy has been ignited. Are you ready to tap into your inner fire with me? I've got some suggestions below.

This month, I am at it again. I will be leaning into mastering my solar plexus energy to manifest my next home here in Encinitas, CA. This time, I am saying YES to a longterm lease. I'll never forget this time last year, I had no vision for a life on the west coast. I was still home in Harrison, NY, living with my parents + coaching The 6 Month Squeeze group program virtually from my couch. When you move, the universe moves with you. 11 months can be full of miracles + magic.

To get us all taking action together, guess what's coming back today?! My 28 Day Self-Love Journal Challenge. You know what that means, daily guidance in your inbox for all of you zesties inside the Guided by AM membership. It's going to be such a juicy time to squeeze in self-love together! Emails will be starting soon.

Don't forget my intention setting workshop is tonight at 5PM PST/8PM EST. To sign up, keep reading down to the 'NEW + GOOD' section below.

My fire transforms my fear.

Member Meet Up in Encinitas, CA
Saturday, February 19 + Sunday, February 20
at Four Moons Spa

Imagine a sacred space to meet your zesties + welcome you into my restful reality, introduce you to my proven intention setting, vision board + manifestation practices, connect + heal, AND up level our self-care together.

Join us on February 19 + 20 at Four Moons Spa for the most aligned + abundant weekend just to nourish YOU. I am so hype to introduce you to one another, my healers, mentors + restorative practices, spend + share a self-care space together.

Squeeze ya there?


be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.

So hello, February! Let's fly + allow our dreams to come to fruition. These are my 3 tips to support your self-care this month...

I. Squeeze in more fun

I'll never forget the first time I heard Gabby Bernstein say, "measure your success based on how much fun you are having." Wow what a reframe to productivity, celebration, work + life. Think back to the last time in your life you were having a lot of fun, what did all your areas of life look like? How do you show up when you are in your joy? What else do you notice manifest? For me, I keep observing my rest creates my success. Naps are really fun for me, let me tell ya! Get curious for YOU…

II. Take inventory of fear

What if your fear was your friend? Get really real + honest with yourself. Last month, zestie Lisa Schlosberg led Guided by AM members through a workshop that cracked us all open to shining a light on our truth. WOW, if you missed it, you can catch the replay inside your membership portal. Inside you will also find Breathwork with Betta + Reiki with Rebecca to clear anything that comes up. Forever practicing letting fear be seen + speak it's truth. A big squeeze of gratitude for Lisa, Rebecca + Betta for their heart work!

III. Play with fire

Permission to play with your inner fire. You can do so by creating a safe space for your inner child. Let your little one jump back into a state of fearlessness. Remember when you would ride your bike, fall, scratch your elbows + knees, and with bloody bruises get back up with a smile on your face + try again? Channel THAT version of you + see what life brings to YOU.

For more FREE resources + LIVE support this month join me on the Quilt App, a new kind of social wellness space to connect, share, and learn with others through daily audio conversations.

Every week on @wearequilt

Sunday 7PM PST | Guided Intention Setting
Monday 9AM PST | Chakra Balancing Reiki Meditation
Monday 10AM PST | Build Your Mental Health Toolbox
Tuesday 1PM PST | Ask AM Anything Self-Care
Wednesday 7PM PST | Mid Week Intention Check In
Thursday 10AM PST | Align with Your Human Design
Friday 11AM PST | End of Week Mental Health Check In
Friday 12PM PST | Come Celebrate Yourself


Joining the Guided by AM membership for $33/month gets you access to all the below + more!

[become a member here]

The Human Design Classroom by AM

The response to this new feature from you members has been incredible. WOW, you are ready + just as hype as me for leaning into Human Design. Last month, we dove into your unique energy type. There will be a new lesson for you to focus on this month as you explore your unique strategy.

Community Book Club

Up next, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. This book is another favorite of mine. Speaking of simplicity, these agreements are really what we need to remember on repeat. New call times are now open to RSVP inside your member calendar. Bring your book + let's awaken together!

Guest Zestie Calls

New this year, members now have access to receive support, learn + grow with my very own healers, coaches, mentors, creatives, fellow entrepreneurs + zesties. Members can expect 3 LIVE guest calls per month to hold space for your self-care.

Here to guide you to master your own unique energy, create a restful lifestyle, and align your self-care with intention + ease.

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! Here is where you belong. This is my heart work + I am so grateful to be here sharing this beautiful journey with this community of beautiful lights.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,

Hello 2022, May You Be Simple

My word for 2022 is S I M P L I F Y.

Happy new month my beautiful lights!

New year, new energy. Same commitment to self + serving you in savasana. Welcoming YOU to the unique energy that is 2022. May we *continue* to slow down, self-care + squeeze the day together as a community. May ease + rest become your abundant state of being this year. I am here to guide you in ways old + new!

We have had quite the quiet, slow + deeply intense entry into this new year so far. Are you also feeling the shift? There is also so much creativity + abundance flowing. Know that there is space for all to coexist. Wherever you are, however you are…you are exactly where you are meant to be.

In these last few weeks abundance has looked very different for me. Sleeping more, creating more, keeping offline more. I have quite literally felt like the soft, sensitive, intuitive crab moving through last week's Full Moon in Cancer. I trust all is unfolding exactly how it should this month, even in the unexpected ebbs, + hope you feel inspired to choose the same mindset. And if that doesn't resonate, what mindset do you choose to hold for this year?

This month has been all about the root chakra for me. Getting myself grounded in the year that is about to hold me through more healing, more expansion, more growth + more transformation. I've been visiting the beach + getting out in nature to feel more centered + connected. I've been focusing on finances, work + home environment.

I am celebrating all the beautiful collaborations that I have been invited to join already in these last few weeks to guide meditation, restorative yoga + Human Design with Soul Splatter, San Diego Ladies Networking Night + Cultivating Conscious Community One Day Retreat. The energy this year is buzzing with partnerships, co-creations + healing experiences!

Full permission to do it all differently this year…
More unique energy
More expression
More YOU

Read below for all the fresh squeezed goodness here for you to receive!

//MANTRA OF THE year//
move slowly, proceed powerfully.

Big fresh squeezed news for 2022…
Guided by AM 2.0 has arrived + retreat season has officially begun!

NEW! The Human Design Classroom by AM

My heart is so hype to welcome you to a new space of self-discovery + self-acceptance inside the Guided by AM membership site! May you meet the most authentic, energetic version of yourself here. May you give yourself full permission to be exactly who you are meant to be. May you fall in love with the energy that is uniquely YOU. Enjoy the lessons, guidance + teachings that is all things Human Design. My intention is that you feel more seen than ever!

[join membership here]

NEW! Community Book Club

We also entered the year together reading my personal favorite book, A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson. These calls were so incredible + gifted us all so much wisdom + inspiration. We will be continuing this book club series every month. I will announce the next book + dates for calls on February 1!

[become a member here]

NEW! Self-Care Support Guest Zestie Calls

Eeeppp! You now have access to receive support, learn + grow with my very own healers, coaches, mentors, creatives, fellow entrepreneurs + zesties. Wow this is a really big gift I have the opportunity to give YOU. Explore + connect to create your very own support team inside this new membership feature. You can expect 3 LIVE guest calls per month to hold space for your self-care. Already inside are replays with Lisa Schlosberg, Betta Entwistle + Rebecca Cuje.

[receive support here]

4 spots left for my 2 Day Self-Care Restorative Event in Encinitas, CA

Imagine a sacred space to meet your zesties, + welcome you into my restful reality, introduce you to my proven intention setting, vision board + manifestation practices, connect + heal, AND up level our self-care together. Join us on February 19 & 20 at Four Moons Spa for the most aligned + abundant weekend just to nourish YOU. I am so hype to introduce you to one another, my healers, mentors + restorative practices, spend + share a self-care space together. Squeeze ya there?

[get your ticket here]

2 spots open for my 1:1 mentorship program

Calling all wellness coaches, creatives and entrepreneurs. Free yourself of career stress and job dissastifcation, your health and happiness transformation begins with living in alignment with what lights you up! I am here to guide you to create the business of your dreams + live your zest life, exactly how you desire. Are you ready?

[apply here]

Wow. Wow. Wow. This membership community has *doubled* since we began this self-care journey together a year ago today on January, 25 2021! I never imagined the growth of this space unfolding so abundantly. A very special, warm welcome to 15+ new members! It is my greatest excitement + pleasure to hold, guide + support YOU in a whole new way!

Thank you to each + every one of you for being here. Here is where you belong.

2022 intention: Community, Connection, Care

My intention this year for guiding you, this community + adding content to this space is to support you in simplifying your own self-care practice AND mastering your own unique energy while doing so. There are so many ways to take care of yourself as you may unconsciously absorb from scrolling IG or listening to podcasts or reading self-help books. It can get very overwhelming to the point where you feel so stuck + so far from what feels correct for YOU.

My desire this year is that you feel supported, know you are not alone AND have exactly what tools you need to meet your own unique physical, emotional, mental, spiritual self-care needs that are true for YOU. So that you know, trust + love yourself more than ever before + FEEL so damn good.

Are you ready for this year!?
Your new monthly guidance is inside…

join the journey to your zest life.

Simplify, self-care, slow down + squeeze the day.

So hello, 2022! Let's simplify mastering our unique energy physically, mentally, emotionally + spiritually. These are my 3 tips to support your self-care simplification...

I. Do less, be more

I love this paradox. Ask yourself, where in your life are you overdoing it? How does that feel? No judgement, just curiosity + compassion. What is one shift you can choose to try on to align with how you do desire to feel? What happens when you create space + let go to make room for more? Think of little small aligned actions each day you can practice to embody the highest version of YOU. Little things become big things in no time! More on this practice in my blog post from July 2021 here.

II. Go slow to go fast

Another favorite on repeat. I can attest this is not easy. AND…it does manifest your wildest dreams! If I can ever give one piece of guidance for the rest of my life + career it would be to slow down. This really goes so deep. Explore nourishing your nervous system as your #1 priority + watch how fast your desires become reality. When we take the time to let our system feel its safety, we heal perceived stress on the mind + body. This takes work, this takes discipline, this takes commitment. This is exactly why I am here to be a guiding light for YOU <3 More on this mantra in my blog post from September 2020 here.

III. Choose YOU

To me, simplifying is choosing myself over + over again. A lot of decisions become more easy + more clear when you prioritize yourself, your values + your needs. This takes practice! And I promise you, it's a practice that is so giving ;) Need the accountability? Get my guidance 24/7 here.

For more FREE resources + LIVE support throughout this year join me on the Quilt App, a new kind of social wellness space to connect, share, and learn with others through daily audio conversations.

Up Next…

Here's the upcoming new + good:

$33/month gets you access to all the below + more when you join the Guided by AM membership today!

New schedule goes LIVE on February 1st

Here to guide you to master your own unique energy, create a restful lifestyle, and align with self-care, intention + ease.


I am truly speechless + have endless gratitude for this zest community. I never could have imagined this life as it exists today without YOU. I am so excited to welcome you to a new year. A year of just pure intention. There is so much zen + zest coming your way. Thank you for showing up for the journey. I am so proud of you.

May this year be full of intention, abundance + peace for YOU!

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,

Damn 2021, You Were Deep + Juicy


my word of 2021 was
w o r t h y

hello my beautiful light!

*raise your hand* if you moved through deep feels in 2021. may you know you are so not alone. the end of the year is near. you are safe to exhale.

this week, brought the energy of the winter solstice. a time + space for deep reflection + old pattern releasing. and as promised, i am sharing with you my lessons learned from this year…

my biggest self-care need = drink more water

wow. wow. wow. i'm just gunna call myself out. the queen of lemon water is chronically dehydrated. never have i ever been so aware of the physical self-care need that is hydration. what brought this to my attention was my evening practice with The Five Minute Journal. almost every single answer to “how could you have made today better even better?” says drink more water. okay intuition, heard loud + clear. i commit to more water *with lemon* from here on out. future merch alert.

compassion is the consistency i've been in search of

they say, consistency is the key to success…hmm, i was so curious to self-explore this one. because i knew deep down doing the same thing day to day, week to week was not for me or my energy. on my human design rabbit hole journey that was 2021, i discovered two important things. one // it wasn't. two // my energy type is actually meant to be “inconsistent.” mind blown!!! the permission that was not to be doing all the time, rather to ebb + flow, to s l o w d o w n + rest. so compassion, compassion, compassion became my bff in the year of unlearning while practicing so much deep ebb + messy flow. you get to choose what consistency means for YOU. for me, the key to consistency is not in the doing, it's in the being. i claim compassion as my consistency + practice it in the way i showed up for myself. and the ultimate vibe is that i get to measure success by how much i choose rest ;)

inner peace is the only *goal*

something i am so freakin proud of is becoming a student of A Course in Miracles this year. i showed up every single day, for every single lesson before anything else in the morning. even on the toughest days, i pressed play + listened to my morning audio lesson. out of them all, this one left an imprint: “making our goal anything other than peace is emotionally self-destructive. if our goal is to get the job, then that's fine if we do, but if we don't get the job, we'll feel depressed. if we make peace our goal, then if we get the job, that's great, but if we don't, we're still peaceful.” there was a standing ovation in my soul when i read this. whether or not it resonates with you too, may be something you are curious to meditate on.

the universe's plan is far better than mine

damn, Gabby Bernstein was right. 2021 was my year of uncertainty (aka anxiety, aka fear). big change. big transformation. big growing pains. after this unique year i can absolutely be certain that i do not have control over what happens AND also that my mind can create an epic reality. the art of manifesting a west coast move, safe friends, a car, dream clients, financial security, + travel was created by the act of surrender. the knees on the floor in breakdown kinda surrender. iykyk. this year taught me how to transform my fear into faith. and if you are a spirit junkie like me (or wanna learn to be!), join us for Gabby's 21 day manifesting challenge starting on january 1 (use code MM50MANIFEST for a discount!).

i have all that i need inside, i really do

my darkness is my teacher. my anxiety is my teacher. my fear is my teacher. my love is my teacher. my light is my teacher. my gratitude is my teacher. and, YOU are the mirror in which i learn how to see myself more clear + more brightly. if this doesn't make sense to you yet, that's more than okay. i hold hope + the vision it will soon. from the words of wisdom that is Rumi, “we're all just walking each other home.” it's safe to be you.

everything is energy, everything.

i think i already learned this one. and, 2021 was the year i integrated it. this lesson reminded me why i so deeply believe it all comes back to intention. everything physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially, environmentally is energy. intention is energy. because energy flows where attention goes. you already know this, keep showing up for my intention setting workshop :)

thank you for learning + growing with me this year. reflecting, renewing + releasing creates space for exciting fresh squeezed *new*

eeeeeep! in this next year, i will be…
sharing The Inner Peace Podcast by AM with the collective on itunes, spotify and apple
launching a course to help you heal yourself
writing my first literary heart work piece

are you a YES to YOU in 2022?

breathing deeply with you
xx AM

for your inspiration.

these are my journal prompts to help you feel proud + at peace with your year...

comment below if you would like to be seen + celebrated by me :)

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,

for more self-care resources, join the Guided by AM membership

NEW! human design trainings, career clarity, biz mentorship + guest healer workshops coming january 2022. community, connection + care already inside.

join the journey.

December 2021 | Squeeze Stress Away

My intention this month is to

Happy new month my beautiful lights!

May your December be dedicated to YOU.

First, a big squeeze congrats to celebrate you for making it to the end of another insanely unique year. YOU DID IT. You are so worthy + who you are in this moment is more than enough.

No matter where you are, no matter how you are…you made it. Getting here was not easy, I deeply honor you for all your strength, self-love + self-care that it took to journey through another year. Trust, you are exactly where you are meant to be.

Last month, my intention was to nourish all parts of me. Initially, I set this intention with my physical health in mind. How it unfolded was beyond what I could have ever imagined. All month long, I felt so incredibly + deeply seen. I was recognized, I was valued, I was acknowledged, I was invited. It was the most vulnerable month of the year for me. Manifestations attracted in seconds after created in thoughts, new friendships were founded AND I finally hired a virtual assistant for support (!!!). Being seen is the nourishment that manifested for me.

I am still taking the time to integrate all the lessons learned + gifts hidden in the hard moments this year. I am choosing not to rush reflection + am so excited to share when time aligns. If you are still reflecting yourself + need accountability or guidance, join me tonight for my final intention setting workshop of 2021 where we will reflect, renew + release. I have a special journaling workbook for all who attend. Link to sign up below.

In the meantime, honoring all 12 intentions I set this year that got me here:

January // Word of the Year // Worthy
February // Focus
March // More
April // Action
May // Move
June // Joy
July // Just Be
August // Amplify
September // Sleep
October // Open
November // Nourishment
December // Delegate

I am walking into December dedicated to a self-resourced sense of safety + connection from within. This month, I am choosing to slow down (again). I imagine we all can agree this year was a unique roller coaster. You are so valid for needing more rest + more self-care.

Read all the way to the end so you don't miss any of the fresh squeezed goodness!


Guess what's new in 2022?! The time has come to merge all my offerings into one home. The Guided by AM membership will be expanding next year to also support you in creating your dream career (+ biz) as it continues to support your physical, mental, emotional + spiritual health!

Wellness coaches, healers + entrepreneurs, I am holding YOU. Imagine a space where all of your self-care AND self-study needs become one. That's right, Guided by AM will be your all-in-one self-development destination. If you have been dreaming up a biz or taking your biz to the next level of alignment, get hype. 2022 is the year we commit to growing, learning, slowing down + mastering our own unique energy together.

You can expect to see more self-care support including…
Human Design Trainings
Career Clarity + Biz Mentorship Support
Chakra + Energetic Alignment
Group Distant Reiki Calls
Community Mastermind Calls
Guest Healer Q+A

AND THERES MORE! I am dreaming up an event for all of you to meet IRL! Save space on your calendar for a trip to California ;) I'll be hosting all my Guided by AM members, clients, mentors + healers sometime soon!

join the journey to your zest life.

NEW! 20 min restorative practice, 3 min meditation + end of year reflection journaling workbook inside to support your December self-care.

if you want to go fast, go alone
if you want to go far, go together.

So hello, December! Let's dedicate our energy physically, mentally, emotionally + spiritually back to self. These are my 3 tips to squeeze this year's stress away this month...

I. Delegate. Delegate. Delegate.
This is the season when we take on too much. (Im projecting, but I know you can also relate!) So here's to saying no, honoring your energy, upholding boundaries + passing off your to do's to others. First, discern what you do have time + space for. Ask yourself, what lights me up this time of year? Do more of that! Second, get curious ~without judgement~ what adds more stress. Challenge yourself, to ask for help + pass a priority over to someone else. You will be surprised who is willing to lend a helping hand <3

II. Decide your desires.
NOW is the time. Not tomorrow, not next week, not January 1. Let's leave that rule in the old paradigm for good. Decide now what you want to feel + what you dream to create right now. Surround yourself with that desire + energy, daily. That's it! Start now. Email me if you are open to sharing, I would love to support + amplify your manifestation.

III. Do discipline differently.
Discipline gets a bad reputation. Let's shift this relationship. I challenge you this month to “do discipline” also known as tapas in yoga philosophy, differently. Meaning, connect to the inner fire + core within you (solar plexus) to create your action, motivation, confidence + commitment. What would happen if you choose to align your choices from a place of love + flow rather than fear + force? Hmmm, I wonder ;)

this month’s new + good:

Here's what you can expect this December…

FREE Intention Setting Workshop
This is a 60-minute workshop that will teach you how to set intentions to guide your new month. My approach will show you that intention setting can be easy peasy, yet cultivate powerful, lasting energy and habits in order to attract your desires. You will walk away feeling inspired, refreshed, and ready to squeeze the most out of your new month!

 Virtual workshop will include:
Journaling reflection + intention setting
Group coaching + guidance
Guided meditation

Don't forget to bring your authentic self + a journal! Optional glass of lemon water ;) 

Community Drop In | FREE
Guided by AM Members | FREE

AMyoga Reiki + Restore Classes at Light & Space Collective
My whole heart is so freakin excited to finally offer in-person restorative classes again!

Join me IRL on your mat for stillness + self-care to restore from the year:

Thursday, Dec 30 at 6:30PM PST | 90 min
reflecting, renewing + releasing

Community Drop in | $44
12 spots only

NEW! Guided by AM Membership Content
Inside the membership this month, I have created content aligned to set you up to shift obstacles into opportunities! Members will receive…

20 Min Supported Savasana Restore Class
3 Min I Am Free to Be Me Guided Meditation
End of Year Self-Celebration Journaling Workbook

Also inside the membership, you get access to…
The Inner Peace Podcast by AM
My Self-Care Resource Library
7 Day Chakra Cleanse
Workshops + Challenges

And don't forget about the full 12 months of self-care practice from all of this year!

Self-Commitment | $33/month

Business Mentorship with AM
It amazes me what happens when you align your energy with your highest potential. When you set intentions, take big risks AND come out on the other end abundant beyond your wildest dreams. That is the transformation I had the gift to witness on repeat this year, not with just one…but with 5 beautiful lights + their businesses. I am so incredibly proud + honored to have guided my first cohort of biz zesties through mentorship this year. Forever inspired by these women to keep doing the heart work. May they all be your living proof, everything you desire in life + career is more than possible!

Follow along + support all my mentees big biz dreams below:

Christine Patruno | CPhonestea | @cphonestea
Megan Lamarinara | Megan Rose Health | @meganrosehealth
Mattie DiNapoli | Mattie Mooves | @mattiemooves
Anne Davidson | Live Well | @annedavidson
Heather Furlow | Mindful Copy Co. | @mindfulcopyco

And a special shoutout to all the guest healers + entrepreneurs for investing their time, energy + heart work:

Rebecca Cuje | Reiki with Rebecca | @rebecca.cuje
Ashley Cramer | Lunar Alignment | @alignwiththemoon
Lisa Schlosberg | Out of the Cave LLC | @lisa.schlosberg
Betta Entwistle | Elisabetta Coaching | @betta.wistle
Sara Leeds | Rhymes With Orange | @sherhymeswithorange

Are you ready (+ also scared) to take the leap in your career + life? I left my dream job for my dream life + I want to show you what is possible for YOU.

Apply for mentorship in 2022 above!

Here to guide you to master your own energy, create a restful lifestyle + biz with self-care, intention + ease. 

If you are curious about working together, now is the time to squeeze us in! Sign up for a human design reading, restorative reiki healing, business mentorship workshop or an “Ask AM Anything” holistic health coaching call below.

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! This is my heart work + I am so grateful to be here sharing this beautiful journey with you all.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,

November 2021 | Squeeze in Nourishment

My intention this month is to
nourish all parts of me.

Happy new month my beautiful lights!

May all your needs be met with nourishment this November.

Tis the season of gratitude + appreciation. I am the most thankful this year for my capacity to hold space for all parts of myself. A year ago I had zero clue what that meant. This year cracked me open + awakened me to so many truths. Through the journey of growth, you find yourself meeting parts of you that you turned away from, that you denied, neglected, abandoned + ignored for so long. It is heart breaking, it is sad. Awareness brings discomfort + exposes past pain.

Setting the intention last month to remain open really accelerated it all. Things I did not know were possible manifested + unfolded in my self-care. There were many tears from all kinds of varying emotions. There were breakdowns + there were breakthroughs. What a lesson learned that gratitude + grief can co-exist. May this be your reminder, you can hold space for your sadness + still make room for love to flow back in. Just keep accepting, forgiving + unconditionally caring for YOU.

This month, may you nourish your body, may you nourish your mind, may you nourish your heart, may you nourish your energy, may you nourish with self-care…however YOU need.

Read below for all fresh squeezed updates, my top 3 self-care tips + this month's savasana schedule!

deep nourishment finds me everywhere.

LAST CALL BIZ ZESTIES! To all my fellow heart workers out there (healers, coaches, entrepreneurs!), you may or may not know by now nourishing your biz starts with your own self-care…

Retreat Your Biz in Costa Rica
Nov 30 - Dec 4

I am finally counting down the days for another dream come true to guide YOU!

Can you just imagine taking your business on a retreat with these views!? Learning the energetics + strategies that align with YOU + YOUR business…

Being around high vibe, heart-centered women who elevate you to your next level...
Mapping out what you + your biz needs to expand in 2022...
All while being immersed in self-care, spaciousness + ease!


5 days, 4 nights in Costa Rica enjoying these views, masterminding with amazing women, elevating your business with ease to set you up for 2022

If you've been wondering how to get your business set up for 2022 in a way that feels authentic + aligned to YOU, come join Elliott Lea + I on November 30 - December 4 for an unforgettable time in the magical jungle of Costa Rica with these incredible ocean views, 6 workshops on energetics + strategy unique to you and your business.


If your heart + biz has been calling for the same, click below to learn all the details!

Sign ups close November 13!

keep this in mind:
Nourishment can look different in this season.

So hello, November! Let's nourish our energy physically, mentally, emotionally + spiritually. These are my 3 tips to squeeze in your self-care practice this month...

I. Loosen your grip.
Non-attachment, also known as compassionate detachment, is actually one of the central practices in Yoga, argued to be the most important lesson of all to learn: 'Let your concern be with action alone, and never with the fruits of action. Do not let the results of action be your motive, and do not be attached to inaction'. In other words, do not concern yourself with the outcome of a situation, only concern yourself with what you're actually doing in the present moment that is getting you closer to your desire. Where are you holding on too tight? Let go of expectations + surrender to the outcome. It'll end up better than you could have planned it anyway ;)

More how to practice non-attachment as self-care plus a guided meditation + journal prompt inside the Guided by AM membership this month.

II. Detox from judgement.
It's about that time of year for me where I need to take an honest inventory + release a lot of judgements that have been building up inside. Let's face it, we all make judgements all day long. Have you ever looked deeper beyond a judgement you make toward someone? This may uncover a lot of truth + wisdom about what you could be judging toward you. Need more guidance? Gabby Bernstein's book Judgement Detox is a great place to start.

III. Self-appreciation + self-celebration.
Mmm self-talk check. Gratitude season inspires us to be kind toward others + give! When we practice gratitude we send appreciation out. Are you allowing yourself to receive love back in? Balance your energy input + output. How often do you appreciate yourself – for who you are + how you serve? Express gratitude to celebrate YOU.

this month’s new + good:

Here’s what you can expect this November…

FREE Intention Setting Workshop
This is a 60-minute workshop that will teach you how to set intentions to guide your new month. My approach will show you that intention setting can be easy peasy, yet cultivate powerful, lasting energy and habits in order to attract your desires. You will walk away feeling inspired, refreshed, and ready to squeeze the most out of your new month! 

Virtual workshop will include:
Journaling reflection + intention setting
Group coaching + guidance
Guided meditation

Don't forget to bring your authentic self + a journal! Optional glass of lemon water ;) 

Community Drop In | FREE
Guided by AM Members | FREE

LIVE AMyoga Reiki + Restore Classes
These two virtual classes last month were a blissful hit!!! I will continue to hold space for restorative yoga classes on Zoom this month with an extra energetic boost from both the moon + Reiki. Aligning with the moon + receiving Reiki can amplify physical, mental, emotional + spiritual healing with ease.

Join me on your mat for stillness + self-care under the November New + Full moons:

Thursday, Nov 4 at 5PM PST | 60 min
honoring New Moon in Scorpio

Thursday, Nov 18 at 5PM PST | 60 min
honoring Full Moon in Taurus

Community Drop in | $22
Guided by AM members | FREE

NEW! Guided by AM Membership Content
Inside the membership this month, I have created content aligned to set you up to shift obstacles into opportunities! Members will receive…

AMyoga Reiki + Restore Classes
Letting Go Guided Meditation
Transform Thoughts Journal Prompt

Also inside the membership, you get access to…
The Inner Peace Podcast by AM
My Self-Care Resource Library
7 Day Chakra Cleanse
Workshops + Challenges

And don't forget about the 10 months of self-care practice from previous months!
Join for $33/month

Business Mentorship with AM
Special shout out this month to celebrate + send off another mentee (@mattiesmooves) aligned af in her power to manifest her life + biz vision. Wow, this mama really did attract it ALL. Mattie is here to empower her community to create a life filled with more joy + freedom through her 4M Method. You can try her 4M method inside her signature 10 day program available for digital download on her website. The hype is so real + this is the kind of work that truly lights me up on repeat. My heart is so grateful to work with committed wellness coaches, creatives and yogipreneurs to build their brand + biz with ease.

Are you scared to take the leap in your career + life? I left my dream job for my dream life + I want to show you what is possible for YOU.

Current mentees: get hype to meet October's guest entrepreneur + college biz school zestie, Sara Leeds, CEO + Founder of Rhymes with Oranges (@sherhymeswithorange)!

Apply for mentorship above

Here to guide you to master your own energy, create a restful lifestyle + biz with self-care, intention + ease. 

If you are curious about working together, now is the time to squeeze us in! Sign up for a human design reading, restorative reiki healing, business mentorship workshop or an “Ask AM Anything” holistic health coaching call below.

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! This is my heart work + I am so grateful to be here sharing this beautiful journey with you all.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,

October 2021 | Squeeze in Receiving


My intention this month is
to remain open.

Happy new month my beautiful lights!

May your heart be inspired to remain open with mine. 

It really is so wild to believe today is October 1st. September was quite the teacher + healer for me. I met a lot of new light + a lot of new dark. The super cool thing is that I am learning on repeat that neither is good nor bad. All the lessons lie in the living + breathing whether or not we are feeling high or low vibes. Think about that.

 Last month, I was honored + grateful to receive another attunement, Reiki II. My energy, love + intention has forever shifted. I am sure you can already feel that ;) For those of you who are unfamiliar, Reiki is a healing technique that channels universal energy to support emotional, mental or physical healing with ease. This alternative method will leave you + your nervous system feeling calm, grounded + balanced. I share more on my experience with Reiki in this month's podcast episode inside the Guided by AM membership. For nonmembers, I'm excited to be offering multiple ways to receive the healing vibes this month, keep reading below. Big heart chakra energy. 

I was also super nostalgic of the two year anniversary since launching The Self-Care Squeeze, my first signature 5 week group coaching program. I am celebrating by reuniting 4 lucky AMhealth alumni lights on a new journey this month as we realign + reconnect. I am always so inspired by your commitment to your self-care. 

Read below for all fresh squeezed updates, announcements + more!

I give and receive Love freely.

In alignment with opening my heart up more this month, today I am sharing something new to support + serve YOU…

 To no Gemini's surprise, it's a BLOG! 

Journey by AM, a self-care blog, is now live at www.alisonmidolloyoga.com! Eeeep! 

Inside the blog, content may look familiar, and that's because it is! Intentionally, I have taken all my newsletters since July 2020 (!!!) + created a home for them to be seen by all. Inspired by the amount of emails, comments + DMs I receive about you taking action with courage because of my journey + my heart work, I feel it is so important more beautiful lights can access the simple, shifting self-care practices that I have been sharing from my own experience since the beginning. 

Reading these back to myself still has me speechless. I moved out of NYC one year ago today. I hope you are documenting your journey + reflecting often in a way that makes you feel so proud of how far you have come, too. My intention with this blog is to post proof + for it to serve as another teacher + tool. May my words be an inspiration to the part of you who knows you are meant for more + are so deeply worthy of the life you dream to create for yourself. I hope keeping it real helps you see too that it's never about perfection or what “life looks like on the outside”, it's truly all about the practice + “how it feels on the inside”.

May my words resonate + inspire your heart.
May you live with self-care + intention.

Can't wait to read your love in the comments <3

And through it all
what a gift you give
to this world
by choosing to
remain open.

So hello, October! Let's open up to receiving what is of the highest good for our hearts, minds + bodies. These are my tips to squeeze in your self-care practice this month... 

I. Observe yourself with curiosity.
Without judgement, without attachment…stay curious + compassionate. Ask yourself, why do I think that? Where did I learn that? Is that belief mine? Observe yourself from a place of witness, creating space between you, your thoughts + your feelings. Then, watch your awareness take you back home to your truth.

II. Open your sacral chakra with squash.
Who doesn't love the smell pumpkin spice? It's still a thing in Cali, don't worry! Try experimenting with what's on your plate this month by adding in more orange foods to open your sacral chakra. Nourishing this chakra can boost creativity, sexuality + emotional stability. (Guided by AM members: for more support, check out my 7 day chakra cleanse to learn if your sacral chakra is blocked + how to balance this juicy energy!)

III. Manifest a new opportunity.
Start today. Wake up + ask the Universe…
Where would you have me go? 
What would you have me do? 
Who would you have me be?
Listen + flow.


Here's what you can expect this October…

FREE Intention Setting Workshop
This is a 60-minute workshop that will teach you how to set intentions to guide your new month. My approach will show you that intention setting can be easy peasy, yet cultivate powerful, lasting energy and habits in order to attract your desires. You will walk away feeling inspired, refreshed, and ready to squeeze the most out of your new month! 

Virtual workshop will include:
Journaling reflection + intention setting
Group coaching + guidance
Guided meditation

 Don't forget to bring your authentic self + a journal! Optional glass of lemon water ;) 

Community Drop In | FREE
Guided by AM Members | FREE

LIVE AMyoga Reiki + Restore Classes
These two virtual classes last month were a blissful hit!!! I will continue to hold space for restorative yoga classes on Zoom this month with an extra energetic boost from both the moon + Reiki. Aligning with the moon + receiving Reiki can amplify physical, mental, emotional + spiritual healing with ease.

Join me on your mat for stillness + self-care under the October New + Full moons:  

Wednesday, Oct 6 at 5PM PST | 60 min
honoring New Moon in Libra 

Wednesday, Oct 20 at 5PM PST | 60 min
honoring Full Moon in Aries 

Community Drop In | $22
Guided by AM members | FREE

NEW! Guided by AM Membership Content
Inside the membership this month, I have created content aligned to set you up to shift obstacles into opportunities! Members will receive…

AMyoga Reiki + Restore Classes
Cord Cutting Guided Meditation
Letter to Self Journal Prompt

 Also inside the membership, you get access to…
The Inner Peace Podcast by AM
My Self-Care Resource Library
7 Day Chakra Cleanse
Workshops + Challenges

And don't forget about the 9 months of self-care practice from previous months!

 Join for $33/month today

Business Mentorship with AM
I cannot believe it has been 6 months already since launching my business mentorship program. This month, I am celebrating + sending off another mentee (@meganrosehealth) fully equipped with a plan behind her business vision. Last week, Megan signed on her 3rd client within 6 months of launching her biz! Check her out for all things cooking plant-based with simplicity + ease. She hosts free live cooking calls + offers a simple grocery guide to get you started. The hype is so real + this is the kind of work that truly lights me up on repeat. My heart is so grateful to work with committed wellness coaches, creatives and yogipreneurs to build their brand + biz with ease.  

 Are you scared to take the leap in your career + life? I left my dream job for my dream life + I want to show you what is possible for YOU.

 Current mentees, get hype to meet October's guest healer + biz zestie, Betta Entwistle, Breathwork Coach + Founder of Elisabetta Coaching (@betta.wistle)! 

Apply above

Retreat Your Biz in Costa Rica 2021
Can you just imagine taking your business on a retreat with these views!? Learning the energetics + strategies that align with YOU and YOUR business…

Being around high vibe, heart-centered women who elevate you to your next level...
Mapping out what you + your biz needs to expand in 2022...
All while being immersed in self-care, spaciousness + ease!


5 days, 4 nights in Costa Rica enjoying these views, masterminding with amazing women, elevating your business with ease to set you up for 2022

iI you've been wondering how to get your business set up for 2022 in a way that feels authentic and aligned to YOU, come join Elliott Lea + I on November 30 - December 4 for an unforgettable time in the magical jungle of Costa Rica with these incredible ocean views, 6 workshops on energetics + strategy unique to you and your business.


If your heart + biz has been calling for the same, send me an email to sign up!

Here to guide you to master your own energy, create a restful lifestyle + biz with self-care, intention + ease. 

If you are curious about working together, now is the time to squeeze us in! Sign up for a human design reading, restorative reiki healing, business mentorship workshop or an “Ask AM Anything” holistic health coaching call below.

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! This is my heart work + I am so grateful to be here sharing this beautiful journey with you all.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,


September 2021 | Squeeze in Sleep


My intention this month is
sleep more, stress less.

Happy new month my beautiful lights! 

May your new month be a new space to destress. 

I have been reflecting quite a bit, now that summer is coming to a close. When I sit down for my end of month reflection, I check in with myself physically, mentally, emotionally + spiritually. As much rest as I gave myself in the slow down of this summer, getting honest with myself meant owning that I lost a lot of sleep from stress. A lot, a lot, a lot of sleep. A lot, a lot, a lot of stress. Truth is that I am still moving through a big lifestyle transition + growth takes time. I share this because I want to normalize that stress is apart of life + the journey. Yet, it is how you perceive + respond to your stress that changes it all (hence my intention + practice to restore my nervous system on repeat!). And that's what I am committed to guiding you towards, ease, inner peace + self-care in both life + in biz, especially during the uncomfortable growing pains. 

Because of this, I've been super sleep curious recently for many reasons! I have been feeling so exhausted + my gemini mind always wants to know why. Let me tell you, nonattaching to the why really saves you from so much stress + gives you back so much energy. And ironically when I do so, some helpful reminders from the universe always drop in. “Drink more water” more on this below in this month's tips! “Remember you are a projector” my human design requiring that I rest saves the day yet again! “Sit in the feeling” It's the avoiding for me! Stuck emotional energy is draining + just wants to be moved. “Find balance” taking a look at other areas of life can help guide where self-care is needed the most, forever reconnected by the holistic approach!

I am also learning that rest looks different in every season of life + for each individual. It's okay to be tired + exhausted. Your intuition is your guide to support you in all the ebbs + flows. 

In pursuit of inner peace, I am setting the intention this month to rekindle my love for my sleep. Sleep is a practice. Sleep is self-care. Sleep is restorative + healing for your nervous system. So I created new content + practices this month to support you + this community in squeezing in sleep + squeezing away stress.

Read below for all updates, announcements + more!

//mantra of the month//
i end my day grateful and go to sleep peaceful.

Fresh squeezed for the Fall… 

NEW! Reiki + Restore AMyoga Class Schedule
I miss seeing you on the mat virutally!!! This Fall, I am bringing back restorative yoga classes on Zoom with an extra energetic boost from both the moon + reiki. Aligning with the moon + receiving reiki can amplify healing with ease. 

Join me on your mat for stillness + self-care under the September New + Full moons:  

Monday, Sept 6 at 5PM PST | 60 min
honoring New Moon in Virgo 

Monday, Sept 20 at 5PM PST | 60 min
honoring Full Moon in Pisces

Drop in | $22
Guided by AM members | FREE

NEW! Guided by AM Membership Content
How is it September?! I could not love creating membership content more each month for all of you. Receiving messages from members about what's shifting in their life from their self-care gives me chills everytime. 

 Inside the membership this month, I have created content aligned to set you up for a peaceful sleep! Members will receive…
AMyoga Reiki + Restore Classes
Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation
Bedtime Journaling Prompt

Also inside the membership, you get access to…
The Inner Peace Podcast by AM
Self-Care Resource Library
7 Day Chakra Cleanse
Workshops + Challenges

 And don't forget about the 8 months of self-care practice from previous months! 

Join for $33/month today + get this month's classes FREE

NEW OPENING! Business Mentorship with AM
I cannot believe it has been 6 months already since launching my business mentorship program. This month, I am celebrating + sending off my very first mentee (@cphonestea) fully equipped with a plan behind her business vision. Today, Christine officially launches her website!!! The hype is so real + this is the kind of work that truly lights me up on repeat. My heart is so grateful to work with committed wellness coaches, creatives and yogipreneurs to build their brand + biz with ease.  

Are you scared to take the leap in your career + life? I left my dream job for my dream life + I want to show you what is possible for YOU. 

I am opening ONE more spot for biz coaching before the end of this year.

For the reminder of the year, I will be deepening my studies in reiki + human design. Energetics for sure has my heart + I am so excited to bring you more guidance around mastering your own energy in the coming months (+ a NEW group program format in 2022!). If you are looking to feel a shift within yourself or are curious about exploring your own human design chart or energy healing, contact me to book a 1:1 session!

Healthy sleep creates a healthy lifestyle.

So hello, September! Let's add in some zzzzzz's. These are my tips to squeeze in your self-care practice this month... 

I. Make naps necessary again.
Studying human design has inspired me to add in more naps (quite literally necessary for projector types!). And wow, the power in a quick nap really does heal + transform. Naps as short as 20 minutes can shift your vibe physically, mentally, emotionally + spiritually. Naps can also boost memory + inspire creativity. This month, remember this acronym: Necessary Adult Peace Sessions. Try swapping 20 minutes of scrolling on social media for a nap.

II. Get honest with hydration.
My note to self seems to always be the same, drink more water. Up to 60% of the human adult body is made up of water: the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, the lungs are about 83% water, the skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, the bones are 31%. Lots of us (me included) are chronically dehydrated. Get honest + check in: how much water do you drink? Think about what that does to your mind, body, energy + to your sleep given those numbers! There is such a synchronicity between drinking water, exhaustion, sleep + healing. Notice what shifts + changes in your quality of sleep + your energy levels on the days you drink more water. Keep a tracker + find an buddy to hold you accountable!

III. Create a safe space to cry.
I keep a post-it on my laptop that reads “Tired? What emotions are you avoiding feeling right now?” If my healing journey has taught me anything, it's that crying is such a form of moving energy. Most of my exhaustion is bottled up in suppressed emotions which impacts sleep. Read that again. So what helps revive my energy for me is to move through my emotions in a safe space. A safe space is one that can hold you, hear you, see you + validate you in your experience. Call a friend you trust, grab your journal, visit your mat + let it all flow out. That's also why slow downing down is key, to feel it is to heal it ;)


Here's what you can expect this September…

Here to guide you to master your own energy, create a restful lifestyle + biz with self-care, intention + ease. 

If you are curious about working together, now is the time to squeeze us in! Sign up for a human design reading, restorative reiki healing, business mentorship workshop or an “Ask AM Anything” holistic health coaching call below.

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! This is my heart work + I am so grateful to be here sharing this beautiful journey with you all.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,


August 2021 | Squeeze in Abundance


My intention this month is to

Happy new month my beautiful lights! 

New week, new month, new zen, new zest.
BIG BIZ fresh squeezed news. 

Last month, my Guided by AM membership community + I slowed down for 21 days of restorative self-care. The intention was to practice simple acts of stillness to renew + restore the mind, body + heart. After meeting many emotions + speaking lots of truth to myself, I'm feeling fired up + ready to go! I am definitely walking into August with a new relationship with my solitude.  

If you are curious, here are my top 3 takeaways…

Slowing down is uncomfortable af. Choosing to live a restorative lifestyle was the ultimate WTF to my nervous system. It took me a minute to understand what was really happening here. It's mindful to note what seems hard to change on the outside (i.e. behavior) is really a reflection of what's going on inside (i.e. emotionally). So you could imagine the inner temper tantrum that occurred when asking my body to slow down it's way of “doing” after years of thinking burnout was thriving + working out for me. Burnout + stress were how my body knew how to protect itself + remain safe. It saw slowing down as a threat, unsafe + unfamiliar – a big, resistant nope! 

So you could also imagine how uncomfortable (aka "hard") unlearning this false sense of safety felt like to my body. The mind will do everything in it's power to stay comfortable (aka remain the same). This is where the power of intention, practice + simple, small self-care to help bring ease into slowing down is key. It's allowing discomfort to be apart of the practice + telling myself it's okay ("it is safe") to slow down. It's all about willingness to choose differently: choosing to relearn the feeling of safety in the slowing down, trusting myself in this new way of thriving + forgiving myself along the way every time judgement toward rest reappears. 

Stillness is where I get my guidance. The inner guidance + knowing available to me was loud + freakin clear. Ever get radically transparent + honest with yourself? Woof. Listening to your own truth shines a light on places within you that you never knew where there. I learned that in stillness I receive the next small action step that is meant to unfold for me. And what I practiced on repeat was choosing to listen + just go. That's how I speed up by slowing down ;) 

You cannot do it alone. This one still gets me because I really want to believe that I can do it alone. What came through so strong in meditation was “ask for help.” I would hear it over + over again. So I did, fully resistant, I finally asked for extra help + support from family + friends. I learned that connecting with those who know how to hold space are gifts from the universe. Safe relationships are everything + great practice when learning (and stumbling) to speak your truth <3 

So now that I have squeezed away more stress from my nervous system than I ever have before, it's time to attract + welcome what's meant to come into all this new space.

i accept that good things flow to me with ease.

Speaking of amplifying + attracting…I am so excited to kick off August sharing some really BIG BIZ fresh squeezed news! The time has come. The visions were spoken. The plan was surrendered. And now it's here…

I am co-hosting my dream business mentorship retreat IRL with zestie + subconscious reprogramming transformational coach, Elliott Hofts (@_elliottlea)! And guess where we are taking you!? (Hint: It's been on my vision board all year). Read to learn more below. 

Calling all coaches, creatives and entrepreneurs (cc: business mentees!) to invite you to 

Expand your Energy with Ease
– in Costa Rica!

This retreat will hold space for you + your business as you expand into 2022. We will guide you to clarify, create + connect your vision into action through the energetics + balance of being AND doing. 

Wherever you are at in your business, this collaborative experience with like-minded women will support you + your entrepreneurial journey at your next growth edge.

You will walk away feeling expanded, empowered + energized with a unique-to-you plan. Get ready to align your next big biz vision with ease! 

Are you ready to retreat your biz?

I can do less and attract more.

So hello, August! Permission to amplify your energy! It's all about allowing yourself to attract more + feel good. Abundance is your birthright. These are my tips to squeeze in your self-care practice this month... 

I. Affirmations.
Your beliefs create your reality. In order to shift your external world you must be willing to look inside. What story are you telling yourself? What voice is speaking? Get really honest. It's uncomfortable + okay if what you hear when you tune in is not pretty. The first (+ biggest) step is always awareness of your truth.  

So pat yourself on the back for identifying what is happening inside! From there, get curious what new beliefs can replace the old. Create an “I AM” affirmation for yourself to inspire you where you seek to be by the end of the month. Be intentional + make it empowering. Speak your affirmation on repeat from a place of self-love. Your body + nervous system need to feel safe in order to believe + receive.  

For further inspiration, I invite you to join my Guided by AM monthly membership for 30 days of Affirmations with AM new in this August's content! See more below.

II. Appreciation.
There can never be too much gratitude. Gratitude is grounding. Gratitude is amplifying. Yes, it can be both! Gratitude is potent medicine to bringing you back to yourself in the present moment as well as a magnet for miracles. Close your eyes + picture something in your life you are so thankful to have. Let your entire body breathe this in. Receive the gratitude + appreciation in every cell of your being. Open your eyes + feel your upgraded vibration. Repeat daily. Let me know what unfolds for you ;)

III. Acceptance.
Yummmmmm, add this intention to your plate this month! Accepting yourself, your thoughts, your feelings + your experience as each moment passes may or may not cause miracles. Practicing acceptance guides you to a place of freedom you did not know was possible to create within yourself. The benefits ripple effect to all areas of your life, including relationships. It's mindful to note, acceptance is not “it is what it is”, acceptance is “this moment does not define me." Squeeze in more acceptance!


Here's what you can expect to squeeze in for August…

Here to guide you to master your own energy to ultimately create a restful lifestyle + biz with self-care, intention + ease. 

If you are curious about working together, now is the time to squeeze us in! Sign up for a human design reading, restorative reiki healing, business mentorship workshop or an “Ask AM Anything” holistic health coaching call below.

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! This is my heart work + I am so grateful to be here sharing this beautiful journey with you all.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,


July 2021 | Squeeze in Being


My intention this month is

Happy new month my beautiful lights! 

Half way through the year, you made it. I am so proud of YOU. 
Take a moment to reflect on the past 6 months. 
Grab your journal + check in:
I feel…
I need…
I forgive…
I celebrate…
I release…
I trust…

Last month expanded my capacity to see, receive + feel love. The birthday appreciation touched me so deep + cracked me open. There was so much overflow, I experienced an emotional love hangover. Yes, a new kind of hangover has been discovered after celebrating 12 months alcohol-free! I sincerely thank each of you in this community for showing up to celebrate with me.

//mantra of the month//
i am grateful i get to be me.

This month is super special because 3 years ago I started my yogigram + AMyoga was born! Coming off a 3 year IG detox, I was so resistant to returning because I felt amazing mentally. I just started teaching yoga + wanted a place to share my class schedule for NYC to come flow with me.

So I chose to return with intention + a new handle, and wow crying at the thought of choosing differently. To scroll from bottom to top, @alisonmidolloyoga looks quite different now. There's nearly an international abundance of 1K of you I get to connect with + this space has transformed into a community of deeply committed self-care students. There is still yoga asana to learn + access here (though there's lot more savasana than vinyasa) + even more mindfulness off the mat since the beginning of it all.

I get to share the practice of yoga beyond asana as a physical, mental, emotional + spiritual self-care tool. This space has become my digital journal of ways to relate, heal + restore love; a canvas to express my creativity + bring my soul's brand to life; a place for inspiration to create a happy, healthy lifestyle + relationship with yourself squeezing in more zen, zest, ease!

The growth, healing, inspiration, friendships, students + clients I've been so fortunate to attract here sends chills up my spine to reflect on. I can't imagine the impact from this practice without your love + support in this deeply connected, digital heart-centered community.

Together, we have...
Flowed hundreds of AMyoga vinyasa, kids, teens + restore classes
Raised $7K for Make Lemonaid with AM giveback initiative
Set intentions in workshop for almost 2 years
Committed to healing via AMhealth's coaching programs: The Self-Care Squeeze, Squeeze Stress Away, The 6 Month Squeeze
️Launched biz dreams via Business Mentorship with AM
Practiced self-care virtually through a pandemic via Guided by AM membership
Journaled back home via The Inner Peace Podcast by AM

I am forever celebrating this zest community in gratitude for seeing me + inviting me to share the journey that is the zest life! Can you believe I almost didn't create a new IG?! My intention with sharing my story is to always inspire you to show up bravely + boldly despite the fear + the inner judge, to just go for it!!! Your freedom is on the other side.

Being yourself is the path to freeing yourself.

So hello, July! Are you ready to just be as you are with me?!

These are my tips to squeeze in your self-care practice this month... 

I. Take your time.
Just because someone else is in a rush, doesn't mean you need to be ;) Do you at your own pace. Try slowing down to speed up.

II. Pick up a new read.
Reading is one way I self-care to practice presence. I gave myself so much space last month that I read through 3 books! That's a new PR for me, I am not a fast reader. What would shift for you if you started as simple as reading 3 pages a day? These reads are my recommendations that truly awakened + opened my heart to so much wisdom already within: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, The Mastery of Love + The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. 

III. Remember fun is the secret so success.
Less pressure on work, more focus on play! It's summer, let is be simple + let is be easeful. Your purpose is to live your life. Turn off the autopilot + watch yourself transform.


Lots of zen + zest happening this month.

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! This is my heart work + I am so grateful to be here sharing this beautiful journey with you all.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,


June 2021 | Squeeze in Joy

My intention this month is

Happy new month my beautiful lights!

Ooof May was a lot. Never underestimate the energetic + emotional shifts that accompany moving. I am still feeling the grieving process of it all and, all at the same time, so damn happy to be here in Cali. Let all the fun in the sun begin.

I wake up every morning to the most gorgeous view of the ocean + have found familiarity in my walking meditation which has now been relocated to the beach. The power of creating a vision board for your zest life is real. Manifestation, man.

June is my birthday month! Where are all my fellow Geminis at?! It is not a surprise that half of you on this email list are also celebrating a birthday this month. The twin energy + attraction is strong!

I am learning how to deeply honor all parts of me + own my greatness. This year, I have a very special gift to give to my Guided by AM membership community + I am bringing back my June Journal Challenge!!! So excited to launch my newest creation to celebrate me + all of you! Keep reading to learn more below.

//mantra of the month//
joy is my birthright.

A big focus in my healing work right now is practicing self-care with my inner child, Little Al. You see her above at age 4! She is the world's cutest nugget (and still is). For those of you new to this work, inner child healing is all about the relationship with your younger self. Such an important one, and so often one that is neglected! 

The intention I practice when exploring inner child work is tuning back into my joy. Conscious or unconscious of it, you are born with everything you need. This includes all the things in life you “seek” to getting from “doing things” like joy, happiness, love + peace. The most beautiful journey you can be on is the one of rediscovering yourself. 

Your inner child is a part of you, always. And if your inner child is always along for the ride, it is time to start giving your little self the self-love + self-care you commit to giving your present self. Little you wants to feel seen, heard + loved, too. Sound deep? It is. This is where I have found the deepest healing thus far, in re-parenting myself. More guidance on this in my membership site.

In order to live your zest life, expanding your capacity for joy is a non-negotiable. This is exactly what the June Journal Challenge is all about. If you are curious about cultivating a relationship with your inner child + spending the next 30 days finding your joy, become a Guided by AM member + join us for some journaling as well as a LIVE restorative yoga class. 

The coolest part about joy? Being in this high vibration makes you a magnet for your manifestations! What a shift + acceleration you will see!

When I am connected to my joyful presence,
I attract support from the Universe.
-Gabby Bernstein

So welcome, June! Whether it is your bday or not, there is joy for you here!

These are my tips to squeeze in your self-care practice this month... 

I. Play like you're a kid again.
What was your favorite thing to do as a little kid? What brought you joy? Do you still do it? Permission to squeeze in that one thing that you could just not get enough of as a child. Last month, I bought myself coloring books + crafts, baked chocolate chip cookies + wore outfits that make me feel like my little self again (my lemon overalls + my butterfly bucket hat). Doing these things again has made me feel so tuned into the vibration of joy I forgot I had access to within me. Trust me, the inner child in you never goes away ;) Go dance!

II. Sip on watermelon juice.
Now that Summer is (unofficially) here, we can squeeze in more sweetness! My AMhealth hack for you this month is to try juicing (or blending) just watermelon. Yup, that's it! You won't believe how delicious it tastes!

 Watermelon is an excellent fruit that effectively hydrates, detoxifies, and cleanses the entire body on a cellular level. It is rich in vitamins A and C as well as lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin which are excellent for providing protection from lung, mouth, pancreatic, breast, prostate, endometrial, and colon cancer. Watermelon is also known to significantly reduce inflammation, help flush out edema, aid in weight loss, and alleviate depression. Watermelon can also boost the immune system as well as strengthen vision. 

III. Keep a picture of your younger self by your bedside.
Honor + reconnect with little you <3 Let this picture remind you how far you've come + how good of a job you are doing taking care of yourself. Maybe you write a love letter to your little one.


Lots of zen + zest happening this month.

P.S. My very special birthday gift to my membership community is… I am launching The Inner Peace Podcast by AM on my birthday, Friday, June 18!  

Guided by AM members get SO hyped for this new transformation tool. I have created this podcast just for YOU to uplevel your physical, mental, emotional + spiritual transformation as you listen + learn from the truth of my self-care journey…

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! This is my heart work + I am so grateful to be here sharing this beautiful journey with you all.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,


May 2021 | Squeeze in Movement

My intention this month is to

Happy new month my beautiful lights!

It is time to…
Move through feelings.
Move through life with more ease.
Move myself to California!

If you didn't already know, now you know San Diego has a new nugget! I am feeling all feelings on the feelings wheel about officially sharing I moved to California this month (hence, the delay in my newsletter!). To be honest, I still am all tears about it.

Many of you know that I have been traveling + living as a nomad since last October. I've been back and forth from west coast and east coast many times hopping between living on my friends couches or home at my parents (hi mom + dad reading this!). Being “without a home” has been the most transformative experience teaching me the real definition of home. I am still reflecting + integrating all the lessons and inner wisdom from this journey. I could not be more grateful for the gift that has been this experience.

So today I write to you from the magical beach town of Encinitas, California feeling the closest to myself that I have ever been before. Fully surrendered for yet another new chapter + new version of myself!

//mantra of the month//
more grace please.

I am committer to offering YOU support in shifting your self-care practice + living in alignment with your zest life. Check out the below if you are ready to up level your life with more zen + more zest. 

May is all about freeing yourself from the past. New freshly squeezed content is now available in Guided by AM membership portal. 

Your monthly guidance includes new + good in the restore, meditate and journal section under your monthly menu. You also can explore your self-care essentials bonus content: foundations + resources. 

This month, I’ll be guiding members to release judgement + return to your inner truth. Guided practice includes:
Restore practice to detox judgement
Guided meditation for self-forgiveness
Journaling practice to uncover your deepest truth
+ Replay of my signature intention setting workshop!

Are you looking to feel happy in a career + life that prioritizes your self-care? 

Less than 2 years ago, I chose to leave my corporate career in fashion to follow my heart’s healing work. Since then, I have been committed to my journey to create a self-care business + restorative lifestyle while traveling, transforming my physical, mental, emotional + spiritual health. I have learned so much along the way + I am here to guide you to do the same, however you desire! 

Calling all wellness coaches, creatives and yogipreneurs…this one is for YOU! Click below to see if my mentorship program feels aligned for your next step.

Move at the pace and move in the direction that works best for YOU.

So welcome, May! Let's move with more ease!

 These are my tips to squeeze in your self-care practice this month... 

I. Meditate, meditate, meditate.
If there is one thing I hope my journey inspires you to practice…it is meditation. Now for me, meditation has truly shifted and looks so different for me in every season of my journey. So the good news is, you can't do it wrong…ever! Send me a note if you struggle with finding a mediation practice that sticks, I am here to help.

II. Choose flow over force
Also known as surrender. Such a good practice. Such a difficult practice. Do you take time to notice yourself when you are “forcing” an outcome? What does that feel like in your body, sound like in your mind, look like in your reality? What would happen if you forced less + flowed more? Watch how quick what you want comes when you fully surrender.

III. Squeeze in grace
Adding on to the month of May's intention: You can move through whatever you are going through with ease. Grace is available to you, always. Just ask + be willing to receive it!


May is all about moving more into alignment! All new content below is available to Guided by AM members. Tap any link to sign up + start your journey. Hope to see your beautiful bright light in the zest community!

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! This is my heart work + I am so grateful to be here sharing this beautiful journey with you all.

 P.S. If you are curious about solo travel safely during this time, I have advice + guidance for YOU. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me for help. It is truly an honor to give guidance to anyone looking to invest in their self-discovery + inner healing. I could not recommend the journey more. For me, it has truly transformed my physical, mental, emotional + spiritual health.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,


April 2021 | Squeeze in Action


My intention this month is to

Happy new month my beautiful lights! 

It's time to wash away Winter + awaken into Spring. Can you already feel the zest in this new fresh energy + air?! 

The last few months were spent in hermit mode resting, creating + listening to my intuition. During these times I often find myself stuck in my resistance to take creative flow into action. So this month I am setting the intention to act on all my new ideas + squeeze in more action energy. By doing so, I will remember there is a way to dance between being + doing. When stepping into action, self-care becomes even more important.  

All of these new ideas have been brewing for sometime now. Digging deeper I learned that my resistance of taking action ultimately comes from my fear of burnout. So I am taking care by trying one new thing on at a time + taking action at a slow pace. If this sounds unusual to you, challenge that belief! Taking action does not need to mean move quick, especially when you are aligning your moves one thing at a time. I'll be sharing my top 3 tips for taking aligned slow action below. 

//mantra of the month//
direction over speed.

Spring has me inspired and excited to share TWO fresh new updates to my self-care site + coaching practice with YOU.


Guided by AM membership has more zen + more zest…

I created this self-care site as your home to ⁣relax + renew with juicy restorative yoga, detoxifying breath work and mindset shifting meditations, as well as endless inspiration and tools for your self-study and self-growth. Every month expect to see fresh squeezed content, classes, meditations, surprise bonuses and more!⁣ You will find all things self-care + savasana here.

Founding members will receive two months FREE off an annual Guided by AM membership (originally $11/month) + access to this month's 7 day chakra cleanse! ⁣⁣

New intention with content every month includes…
LIVE + on demand AMyoga restore classes
Meditations + breathing techniques
Journaling prompts + challenges
Community + support from other self-care zesties
Digital tools for accountability + transformation tracking
LIVE calls + on demand guidance from AM as your coach, teacher + mentor 

Here's a sneak peak inside this month's Guided by AM…


And if you already are a member, don't forget TONIGHT we set intentions for the new month as a community at 7PM EST!

AMhealth coaching is expanding and now offering…

Business Mentorship with AM. Oh how my heart is so full + excited to officially announce + share this evolution of AMhealth with you! Over the last year, I have connected with the most incredible like-minded wellness coaches, creatives + entrepreneurs who have a burning desire to launch their passions into big business dreams. I am feeling so called to support anyone feeling inspired to spread the ripple effect of health, wellness + helping others feel good. Click the link below to learn more + join my waitlist below for when I open enrollment to my mentorship program.

Growth is uncomfortable because you have never been here before.

My intention always with sharing my personal journey is to inspire you + see what is possible for YOU. Thanking + appreciating you if you made it down the far and are still reading this. Your life, your goals + your healing is limitless. Keep going! 

These are my tips to squeeze in aligned action this month...

 I. Clear your space, clear your mind
Tidy up + let Spring cleaning also be mind clearing! Think about your clutter as stagnant energy. Organize or say thank you & goodbye to anything whether it's in your space, your finances, your relationships, your refrigerator, or your inbox. Start small, re-organize, and reset your energy - internally and externally. Nothing feels more freeing than organizing the space around you in order to feel clean + clear physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. 

II. Balance your chakras
Learn about your energy centers + where you may be stagnant. Join me in my Guided by AM membership for a 7 Day Chakra Cleanse. I'll be sharing all my tips for chakra self-care.

III. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
One of the best ways to self-care is fueling your mind + body with water. Hydration heals brain fog, chronic pain, stress + so much more. Squeeze in a lemon + drink up! 

If you love these newsletters and are curious about more guidance, sign up for Guided by AM and receive access to a self-care practice + community that is always there for YOU.


April is all about giving yourself a Spring clearing! All new content below is available to Guided by AM members. Tap any link to sign up + start your journey. Hope to see you in the community!

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! I am so grateful to be here with you along your journey. Your love + support mean the world to me and keep inspiring me to show up for this community.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,

March 2021 | Squeeze in Boundaries

My intention this month is to
practice communicating boundaries.

Happy new month my beautiful lights! 

Raise your hand if your February felt short but deep…Mine's up high! I unpacked so much in these last few weeks that gave me the opportunity to expand + heal in so many ways. The journey is not linear and it gets pretty uncomfortable too. The biggest shift in slowing down for me was becoming so much more emotionally aware. In the space of stillness, I began to learn how to integrate acceptance + forgiveness as a way of feeling through a range of emotions of fear, judgement, guilt + shame.  

I felt so good to give myself permission to allow rather than avoid my emotions and I am choosing to continue this practice going forward. As my community continues to grow, so does the need to protect and honor my self-care. For the month of March, I am setting the intention to be better at communicating my boundaries to my family, friends + clients so that I can be even more committed to my self-care as a non-negotiable. Sharing this does not feel selfish! It is a lifestyle I choose that makes me happy, my relationships stronger + my work in the world brighter.

//Mantra of the month//
My boundaries teach love.

Imagine a world where everyone filled up there cup first. What would you see more of? Less of? How would you treat others? How would your treat and view your body? What relationship would you have with your thoughts? How would you show up for your work, friends + family? How would you live day to day?

It is a lot easier to give to others than receive for yourself. It feels good to do good and there is no better feeling of seeing how you can put a smile on someone else's face. I spent a lot of time last month questioning + observing my desire to always be giving. I often ask others where they need help without prompted to, I answer the phone or a text back quite quickly, and I always volunteer myself to help solve other's problems (again, without being asked). 

If I practice self-care full-time, why was I still feeling drained + feeling the familiar wave of burnout all over again? Then, a friend reflected to me this over-giving-without-allowing-to-receive pattern was not so healthy. It really hit me hard + deep, she was so right. I realized how often I bypass my own needs to do so and how much energy this drained from me physically, mentally, emotionally + spiritually. I even lose weight when I over-give.

What I learned is that exploring your boundaries or lack of boundaries takes you on a whole new journey to self-discovery! I was open to processing this, but I knew I could not do this alone. So I asked for help. It feels so empowering to utilize the support system I have built for myself to lean on to help me protect my boundaries. Reassessing my needs and communicating what I need comes first this month. Try it! You will be surprised at how much this shifts others!

Boundaries protect YOU and your energy.

My hope is to inspire you to take aligned action this month beyond the awareness of knowing you need self-care boundaries. Communicating your needs is a practice, start small + start with those who make you feel safe. 

These are my tips for YOU this month to squeeze in your intention... 

I. Communicate a new boundary
It's great to set new boundaries, but do you actually communicate them? Having boundaries is only as effective as your communication to honor them!

II. Say no thank you with love
Say no with intention. From this place, it feels empowering to say no. Follow your heart and honor it's needs. Always remember, your boundaries don't just benefit you, they benefit others.

III. Create self-care time blocks
You are more likely to show up for yourself when you are scheduled in your calendar. Just like work meetings, social events + birthdays, add your self-care in time blocks to your calendar and practice reserving space for just YOU. The more consistently you are seeing your self-care scheduled in your calendar, the easier showing up for it will become.

 If you need more guidance, I am here for YOU. Email me if you are curious to set up a complimentary coaching call to learn more about how I can create a unique-to-YOU program to help you reach your next big health goal. I have 2 spots available this month.


This month, it is all about aligning with your own abundance + self-worth!

This self-care site is your home to ⁣relax + renew with juicy restorative yoga, detoxifying breathing techniques and mindset shifting meditations, as well as endless inspiration and tools for your self-study and self-growth. Every month expect to see fresh squeezed content, classes, meditations, surprise bonuses and more!⁣ You will find all things self-care + savasana here.

Join my co-coach, Betta Entwistle and myself, for to a new kind of work from home. We founded yourOMbody, a wellness space to support you and your journey inward. Sign up for our next monthly group experience to unlock your worth. Learn more clicking below!

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! I am so grateful to be here with you along your journey. Your love + support mean the world to me and keep inspiring me to show up for this community!

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,


February 2021 | Squeeze in Focus


My intention this month is

Happy new month my beautiful lights!

Not going to lie, I am overwhelmed in the best possible way today. I often am too quick to judge feeling overwhelmed as a bad thing. When really, experiencing the emotion of overwhelm just the mind + body's reminder to pause, take a breath and focus on one thing that a time. Do you feel me? You are not alone.

There is so much to highlight from last month. In my personal practice, I create time to stop and reflect before moving forward at the end of each month. My overwhelm hits when I push pass my personal check ins. I totally rushed this process for me yesterday. Good news is that my signature intention setting workshop is back tonight, and this is exactly why I created this space for us to reflect, renew + release together!

When I experience overwhelm I often feel super scattered + my mind wants to spiral into old anxious patterns. Heading into February, it is my intention to return to my "slow down to go fast" mindset and focus on one task at a time.

//mantra of the month//
When i do less, i attract more.

Did you see!? Guided by AM has new content this month!

Last month, I launched my digital membership + community where you can find access to a zen + zest self-care practice 24/7⁣. I am blown away by how many of you are already signed up to join the journey. My whole heart is happy you align with my vision + mission.

This self-care site is your home to ⁣relax + renew with juicy restorative yoga, detoxifying breath work and mindset shifting meditations, as well as endless inspiration and tools for your self-study and self-growth. Every month expect to see fresh squeezed content, classes, meditations, surprise bonuses and more!⁣ You will find all things self-care + savasana here.

Founding members will receive two months FREE off Guided by AM membership (originally $11/month) + access to this weekend’s 3 day restorative retreat! ⁣

New intention with content every month includes…
LIVE + on demand AMyoga restore classes
Meditations + breathing techniques
Journaling prompts + challenges
Community + support from other self-care zesties
Digital tools for accountability + transformation tracking
LIVE + on demand guidance from AM as your coach, teacher + mentor

Here's a sneak peak inside this month's Guided by AM…


Energy flows where intention goes.

Instead of telling myself I have to, I shift my language to I get to. So instead of mindlessly brain dumping a 'to do list,' I intentionally create an ‘I get to do list.’ I invite you to give this a try too! Notice the difference in energy behind each.

These are my tips for YOU this month to squeeze in your intention...

I. One thing at a time
Your calendar is your best friend. It is a tool to keep you organized. This month, try to focus on one task per hour. Even better, one task per day! Balance tip: the more work you get to do, the more self-care your mind + body requires. I love using The Lamare's One Day At A Time planner for extra prep.

II. Write it down to relax
Not everything has to live in the mind! Take a moment and add to your ‘I get to list.’ You won't forget or regret it. You are actually 42% more likely to do take action when you write it down on paper.

III. Plan ahead for productivity
An organized day is created the night before. Take 5 minutes before bedtime to check your calendar and plan how you desire to live your tomorrow. This is actually one of my manifestation hacks. You can energetically set yourself up for success.

 If you need more guidance, I am here for YOU. Email me at alisonmidolloyoga@gmail.com with any questions or reflections. I love to support and serve this community.


This month, I am guiding you to love yourself more! 

Come join the journey! Access to Guided by AM membership is now available. Just click the button below to become a member.

You know it, new month means new intention! My monthly intention setting workshop is so happy to have a new home. Guided by AM members will have exclusive access to my guidance in my LIVE monthly workshop to reflect, renew and release. Come sip, set intentions and walk away ready to squeeze the day on repeat. 

My journaling challenges have been a community fav so it is my intention to keep this content + guidance alive! Beginning today, I will be sharing 28 days of self-love journaling with Guided by AM members to connect deep to body, mind, heart + soul. Writing in a journal has become one of my instant self-love tools and where I am able to connect with my intuition (which has led me here!). 

I couldn't be more excited to share @yourombody launches today! My co-coach, Betta Entwistle and myself, invite you to a new kind of work from home. We founded this wellness space to support you and your journey inward. 

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! I am so grateful to be sharing this transformative, holistic practice and guiding you along your journey. Your love + support mean the world to me and keep inspiring me to show up for this community.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,


January 2021 | Intention of the Year


My word for 2021 is WORTHY.

Happy new year + new month my beautiful lights! 

Take a moment to squeeze in self-care right here. Tune in to your body sending appreciation, love and breath to your entire being. Every inhale you take, every exhale you release is a sign of your aliveness. It's a celebration that YOU exist. 

As you enter a new year, I offer you a new perspective. I invite you to think of these next 12 months as a container, your container. A space in which you can expand however you desire. You, your mind and your energy being the creator. 

As I say thank you and clear what is behind, I carry some new lessons with me…
Self-care is essential
When I slow down, I attract more
Asking for help is self-trust
Stay curious
Question fear
Appreciate everything
Receive the compliment
Listen to understand
Read books
Invest in self-help
Routine can look different
When I feel stress, I comeback to love
My breath is sacred

May you enter this year feeling fully and deeply worthy of creating + receiving your zest life.

//mantra of the month//
good things are coming.

Big, juicy, good things are coming to this community. I am so excited to share my new year updates with YOU! 

Slowing Down // The AMyoga Method
At the heart of my intention teaching yoga is my commitment to guiding you to healing your nervous system and feeling love for yourself. You know by now stress takes a toll on your health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Practicing yoga has taught me many things. First and foremost, it's that movement is a damn gift. But leading vinyasa, is not my gift. After much resistance, I learned last year guiding flow-based classes did not light me up as much as a zen, still restorative pillow practice. Following my intuition, I am shifting The AMyoga Method to a stillness practice. I am so excited for this new journey and to share this healing practice with you. I will be continuing my education at Trilogy Yoga Sanctuary at the end of this month for an immersive restorative teacher training. 

Expanding Offering // AMhealth Coaching Programs
I cannot believe The 6 Month Squeeze begins in 5 days. I am so lit up to bring my newest group program to life. As you've seen, AMhealth started out with two core group programs: The Self-Care Squeeze and Squeeze Stress Away. These programs will continue on in the new year but take on a brand new digital form. Stay tuned! If you are interested in joining the next LIVE program*, you'll want to keep an eye on the calendar because I will only be offering The 6 Month Squeeze two times a year. The waitlist is below to join the next one!

*1:1 coaching will be offered exclusively to group members only. 

One Big Give // Make Lemonaid with AM
My impact initiative will continue to be grounded in love and service. My whole freaking heart thanks each and every one of you who participated in 2020. Together, we raised just about $6,000 to send across 10 different charity organizations. This year, you will be able to take part in a new special tradition. For my birthday (planning way ahead here to June) I will be celebrating with Make Lemonaid with AM's first annual flow + fundraise event. It is with so much light and love in my heart that all donations will go to The Loveland Foundation, a non-profit organization who gives healing and therapy services to Black women and girls.  

NEW Place to Practice // Guided by AM
You are the first to hear that I am launching a membership site! Coming very, very soon zesties will have a home to practice, learn and grow. This will become your sacred space to squeeze in self-care and squeeze stress away anytime, anywhere. All my guidance, all in one place!

 This is just the beginning zesties, I have saved some very special surprises for you in the months yet to come. And of course, leaving room for universal spontaneity!

What’s coming is better than what is gone.

Breathe + believe the best has yet to come for YOU. Feeling optimism comes easy to me, and I am aware this is not the case for everyone. Claiming it my superpower, I am here to teach you how to practice the power of positivity.

These are my tips for YOU this month to squeeze in your year intention...

I. Post-it Positive Affirmations
Stick it on your wall to stick it in your mind. Imagine what will happen when you read ‘good things are coming’ every morning + night while brushing your teeth. Try it!

II. Attitude of Gratitude
Prescribing gratitude on repeat because gratitude heals, gratitude shifts, and gratitude is free! The vibration of appreciation is your comeback to self-love tool. Focus on what's thriving and see what continues to come your way. The side effects are awesome.

III. More Meditation Moments
Walking, cooking, sunbathing, showering, cleaning the dishes, writing, coloring…whatever you practice on repeat, make it mindful and make it a meditation. All you need to do is connect to your breath and observe your inner + outer world the present moment. Make meditation a practice that is unique-to-YOU. It can look like whatever you want! Just show up with intention.

If you need more guidance, I am here for YOU. Email me at alisonmidolloyoga@gmail.com with any questions or reflections. I love to support and serve this community.

2021'S NEW + GOOD

Here is your AMyoga + AMhealth line up…


I have endless gratitude for this community of beautiful lights. Everything you receive here is squeezed with so much love + intention. I am committed to becoming better for YOU.  

It is such an honor to welcome you to a new year. A year of just pure intention. There is so much zen + zest coming your way. Thank you for showing up for the journey. I am so proud of you. 

Wishing you an aligned + abundant year!

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,


December 2020 | Squeeze in Hope


My intention this month is
hold onto hope.

Happy new month my beautiful lights! 

Let's just take a moment and breathe in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 7, and release for a count of 8. Ah, much better, right? It has been a year, I know. Good news is you are reading this and I have hope for you to find your way out of this year seeing the light. Keep on reading for my guidance.

I am setting my December intention holding a high vision of possibility for the remainder of this year. I am choosing to hold onto hope. There is nothing that shifts me more than setting an intention to guide my thoughts, actions and energy. As you know by now, at the start of every month I hold space for my community to set intentions. Reflecting back, my intention setting workshop was where this year started. 

When January hit, I was barely a full-time coach. I was a little over halfway through school at IIN and wanted to create ways to start coaching more than teaching. I remember writing in my journal at the start of the year, “I am a full-time health coach.” Needless to say, I am a breathing example of that manifestation today.

Naturally, I thought to share my intention setting practice to inspire others. I receive so much value in setting intentions when I show up on my yoga mat. As a yogi, I know the work we do on our mat does not end there. So I wanted to inspire others with a method they could show up for without rolling out their yoga mat to achieve the same calm + clarity as practicing movement. It was that simple.

Fast forward to now, I am in awe at the success of this workshop series and the shift you all have seen from setting and living in alignment with intentions. Setting intentions is an easy peasy practice. But don't underestimate it's simplicity. It is the most effective, in my bias opinion, to shifting your energy and manifesting what you want. Choosing one word to guide your goals and how you desire to feel. 

I share this story because it was my hope at the beginning of 2020 that my intention setting workshop would change just one person's mindset. It all started at a Club Pilates studio with 11 women sitting on reformers and quickly transformed to virtual experience serving over 100 zesties across 3 different time zones from the US + Canada. My whole heart, I am speechless.

//mantra of the month//
hope holds me through all of this.

I am writing to you from the cutest loft in Solana Beach, San Diego. I told you I would be back very soon! As I plan for new beginnings, last month's intention of gratitude shined a light on all the magic that has happened in this year. Hope was present.

From intention setting workshops, to group coaching programs, to kids + teen yoga classes, to corporate stress-relief trainings, to private family meditations, to launching my giveback initiative, Make Lemonaid with AM, to flow + fundraise classes that donated to 8 non-profit organizations, to leaving NYC and flying west to explore the California dream, hope was there. The true gift for me this holiday is hope. Choosing to live in alignment with my heart's desire + purpose this year really hits different. 

I am here to tell you it is possible. You will not know how, you are not supposed to know how. You just need to have hope that what is meant for you is coming. Just hold onto that glimmer of hope.

Hope is passion for what is possible.

So this month, I encourage you to try on practicing hope in your own way. Hope is a spiritual practice. Faith is a muscle that won't get stronger unless you flex it. May you find your practice this month that helps you lean into something greater than your own strength. Let this be a reminder you do not need to do it all and you do not need to do it alone. 

These are my tips for YOU this month to squeeze in hope... 

Practice prayer. 
Create your own prayer practice. Get curious what spirituality looks like for you. There is absolutely no right or wrong and that's the beauty. Think of this practice simply as your connection to what happens inside you and around you. Your prayer can be a thought, an intention, an affirmation or a song. Your prayer is your unique-to-YOU way to communicate with a source far greater than you, to lean on in times of fear, doubt and uncertainty. Call this connection whatever you wish, call it love.

Imagine what is possible.
Rather than seeing the limitations in your life, ponder what is possible. Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses, highlight your successes, not your failures, challenge self-sabotaging thought patterns by creating new ones that empower you, and look at all the potential in your life, not the problems. Have a vision that energizes YOU.

Cultivate optimism.
When life gives you lemons…is a mantra of mine that is so intentional! Practice seeing the glass half full, rather than half empty. When you possess a positive mindset you enjoy a higher quality of life and better physical and mental health.

 If you need more guidance, I am here for YOU. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or reflections. I love to support and serve this community.

This month's NEW + GOOD:

Ready to reflect, renew and release 2020? I am so excited to see how many of you are signed up for my intention setting workshop tonight at 7PM EST on Zoom. This will be my final free workshop of the year. Let's squeeze away what's keeping you stuck together! There will be a special giveaway for those who attend. Sign up at link below.

This month, I am challenging you to slow down. Yup, do less. I know myself, it is easier said than done so I have put together a restorative yoga series to hold space for you to calm your mind + body. Think pillow poses, warm lemon water + journal prompts. See below for the 21 day deets and how to join my two AMyoga restore classes this month.

 In anticipation for the new year, I invite you to join the journey to a happier, healthier YOU. The 6 Month Squeeze Group Program is here and the doors are open! Learn more if my program is the solution you've been seeking for your health below.

A Big Squeeze Thank YOU
I have endless gratitude for this community of lights. I never could have expected this year to unfold as it did. There were so many surprises, new challenges, tears, fears, flows + lots of fun. With all the love I feel in my heart today, I cannot have wished this year any other way. 

I am so excited to welcome you to a new year. A year of just pure intention. There is so much zen + zest coming your way. Thank you for showing up for the journey. I am so proud of you.

 Wishing you a very happy, healthy, hope-filled holidays!

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,

November 2020 | Squeeze in Gratitude

My intention this month is
grounding in gratitude.

Happy new month my beautiful lights! 

Anyone else been needing grounding and safety a little extra these days? Yup! How could you not in 2020? Your need to feel safe is your human essential. Without a doubt, this year has taken away something, if not multiple things, from all of us. The good things can slip away from our consciousness real fast, especially after all that has happened this year. No better time than now to shine a light on what we still got. Permission to be grateful again. 

As I shared with you last month, I moved out of my apartment in NYC and set an intention to explore. What's new since then is that I took a trip to California to quite literally feel my feelings. I felt the strongest pull to get west and was really curious to see what that feeling was all about. A first timer, I made all the stops in and out of LA, drove down the beach-lined coast, recharged in the coves of Laguna Beach, got close with the La Jolla seals in San Diego, and survived 108 dry desert degrees in Palm Springs (and I had to pause and half moon pose in Joshua Tree National Park for a photo just for you!). What is good is that I loved it. What is scary is that I loved it. What is good and scary is that I am definitely going back. 

Part of why I write these newsletters is to practice sharing my truth. By now you know, I am lit up by a lot of little things and I vibrate a positive, happy energy majority of the time. I feel super safe to be honest with you here, moving messed up my mojo big time. This transition very quickly revealed to me how attached I was to NYC as my home and source of zest, and when I left I felt like I lost my happy. 

My time in SoCal was a solo trip. Ever traveled alone? Incredible healing occurs. This trip reminded me how happy you can be in your own energy. To travel solo is the best way to self-explore not just the world around you but the world within you. You are never alone, you are always connected. You become aware again and appreciative of the miracles that happen all around you. Like a free matcha from a stranger…miracle! Upon my plan ride home reflection, I wrote in my journal: true happiness lies within and I truly feel whole. I don’t need to go anywhere to find happy. It is here, within. No external source needed. 

So now that I have returned, I am ready to recharge with gratitude that’s for sure. And at the top of my list is YOU. I am so very grateful to have you here. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn't have clients or a business in 2020. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have inspiration. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn’t be motivated to take risks, explore, be vulnerable. 
So thank you, you matter.

//mantra of the month//
I am grounded. i am guided. i am grateful.

In this practice, there is so much power. Gratitude can transform your health. Gratitude can heal your body. Gratitude can manifest more of what you desire. Clients often ask me, how can I make a gratitude practice a habit? Well, it is practice for a reason;) How did brushing your teeth become a habit? Same mind training applies!

Here's my secret, what can make gratitude an easy peasy practice is showing up for it with intention. As many of you know by now, I believe it all begins with intention. First, connect with the feeling gratitude gives YOU (note: it is different for everyone). Then, name it and know it in your body. For me, gratitude brings feelings of joy, happiness, and peace, which my body manifests as a really big smile. Gratitude noticeably shifts my mood and the way I feel. So when I am met with resistance or feeling down, I comeback quickly with a dose of gratitude. This month, I am practicing gratitude to ground myself and to feel safe. 

Try this: set intention with your gratitude and pair your practice with a habit you already show up for daily. I call this self-care stacking. Start your day brushing your teeth + practicing gratitude. End the day brushing your teeth + practicing gratitude. Make this unique to YOU!

I am giving myself the grace to grow.

So this month, I encourage you to try on practicing gratitude in your own way. Get creative, gratitude does not always have to be written in a journal. Maybe it's a note in your phone or a phone call check-in with a friend or a photo board on Pinterest or a post-it note collage on your wall. You can truly practice gratitude anytime, anywhere. 

These are my tips for YOU this month to squeeze in gratitude... 

Focus on what is thriving. 
Create a list. Add to it each day. Redirecting your focus onto what is thriving creates more of what you want. This might sound like manifestation, and it sure is! Gratitude has no limits, it is the secret sauce to expand your mind into believing what is possible.

Say thank you with a smile.
To people, to places, to experiences, to food, to transportation, to everything. To things you like and even dislike. Challenge yourself to use thank you more.

Tell someone why you appreciate them.
Be the reason someone feels welcomed, seen, heard, valued, loved and supported. Play the appreciation game. Go back and forth with someone swapping reasons for why you appreciate them. See how long you can go and how many reasons you can exchange. Pay attention to your vibration before and after. Pass this around at the table on Thanksgiving :)

 I will keep sharing new tips every month so let me know what you need and want to see more of. If you need more guidance, I am here for YOU. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or reflections. I love to support and serve this community.

Ready to set an intention for November? 

I am so excited to see how many of you are signed up for my free intention setting workshop tonight at 7PM on Zoom. Let's squeeze in a good month together!

This month's NEW + GOOD:
I couldn't be more excited to share Grounding with Gratitude launches TODAY. Over the next 3 weeks, my co-coach, Betta Entwistle and myself, will meet every Sunday to hold space for you to explore how you relate to yourself and your version of gratitude. You’ll receive the tools to help you nourish your mind and feel empowered, confident and aligned after each session. You can still sign up at the link below.

P.S. I need your help choosing a charity to flow + fundraise for this month! Click below to submit an organization you feel super passionate about.

Coming VERY Soon:
Stay tuned because I am getting ready to share the newest squeeze program that will set you up for the zest year of your life. This program is my heart's work. I can't wait to announce!

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,


October 2020 | Squeeze in Exploration


My intention this month is to
explore, experience, exist.

Happy new month my beautiful lights! 

The season of change + new beginnings is definitely here. Who else feels it? Today, I am saying thank you, I love you and goodbye to my NYC apartment of 3 years. Wow. What a journey it has been. So much new + good to celebrate right now.  

I used the photo collage above intentionally. These photos were taken last October when I began teaching full-time. Fast forward to now, I am coaching my very own practice I dreamt up and can do that from anywhere my heart desires. Don't worry, the lemons are not going anywhere. If anything these last 12 months have taught me it's that taking the risk is all you need to show up for. I repeat taking the risk is the only thing you need to do. In other words, take the risk!!! The rest will unfold in every single way you dream it to and you do not need any further preparation. Seriously, not kidding. Every wish I put pen to paper last year has come true with the least amount of control on my end. 

Yesterday, I sat down on my yoga mat in my empty 8x10 flex room and created the longest list of gratitude for my time living here. My time in New York has been one big miracle. There are so many people, places, memories (+ matchas!) to recognize, thank, and appreciate. I reread old journals and notes saved and scrolled through old photos and laughed at videos. It was truly a ceremony celebration ritual I never knew I needed. 

Then I felt the urge to try something new. I set my celebrations and visions on fire. Yup, I literally burned some sage, took a match to my paper in a glass bowl and watched my intentions burn. Sounds woo woo? It totally is, but it felt really good, it's October and it seemed like the spooky in spirit thing to do. And of course, tonight's a full moon so I 10/10 recommend. Doing this created space and brought me such a shift. By releasing my gratitude back into the Universe, I am now ready to receive a new journey. This was the most beautiful gift exchange. I cannot even tell you how at peace I feel.  

Goodnight, to my New York dreams. I am closing this chapter a way better version of myself with a whole lot more love and intention in my heart.

//Mantra of the Month//
I let love direct my life.

Now answering your top questions I am anticipating on getting this month:

 1. What's your plan? Where are you moving? What's next? The best and most freeing part of this is, I don't really know! And to be honest, I feel so at ease and relieved not having it all figured out. I am choosing to let love direct the next chapter. Giving it over just feels so right. 

2. How the hell do I get to the same place of peace? You are here because you want this feeling of calm for yourself too! And honey you deserve it. You are capable and you actually already have it within you. Your solution is here. I have my next group program starting October 26 and I am teaching you all my tools. At the end of this email, you will find a link for more details about Squeeze Stress Away.

There is a stream of love supporting your dreams.

So this is exactly why I am setting this intention this month. I am taking October to explore, experience and exist. To feel things out, try things on, see where I am led. For the first time in my 26 years, I feel completely unattached, surrendered and free. I am releasing the Type A/life planner/perfectionist part in me and trust I will be guided to the next best thing. I know I am going to receive better than what I expect. The only thing I will continue to do is show up + self-care + serve. Practice my practice and be here for YOU. 

These are my tips for YOU this month to squeeze in self-care...

 Rest, restore, repeat. 
It's very likely I am not alone in feeling physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually exhausted by 2020. I have this note to self reminder on repeat to give myself permission to rest. You and your body have been in fight or flight mode for months now. That is beyond taking a toll. Your body is craving a slow down to repair itself whether you are aware of it or not. Take time to find your peace and spend time in your joy. Always question, is this serving me and my energy? If not, say no + nap.

Play + dream big.
When is the last time you colored, danced or sang? Connect back to something you loved to do as a child and squeeze it in! Fall is all about connecting to your roots, expressing your creativity and showing up authentically. Think root, sacral and solar plexus chakra balancing. Take yourself back to the big dreams you had as a child. You had all the faith in the world. Channel and lean into those dreams again. Let inspiration flow.

Try something new.
There is no better advice I have to getting unstuck. Cook a new recipe, hike a new trail, sign up for an online course. Inspired action sends a message out that you are ready to realign. Just follow what makes you happy! 

I will keep sharing new tips every month so let me know what you need and want to see more of. If you need more guidance, I am here for YOU. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or reflections. I love to support and serve you.

Ready to set an intention for October? 

I am so excited to see how many of you are signed up for my free intention setting workshop tonight at 7PM on Zoom. Let's squeeze in a good month together!

 And this month, there's more...

 Departing NYC is only part of my exciting news! To express my gratitude for you showing up monthly on this intention setting journey together, I am gifting the Squeeze Stress Away program to one of YOU! Read below for two opportunities to be chosen.

If you are present at tonight's workshop you will receive a chance to be gifted a spot in my next 5 week group program starting October 26!

 If you are present at the next 3 intention setting workshops (Oct, Nov, Dec) you will receive a chance to be gifted a spot for you + a friend in my brand new group program launching January 2021!

This month's NEW + GOOD:
I am so excited to bring back my second core group program, Squeeze Stress Away! Stress creates disease in the body (dis-ease. read that again). I am the biggest believer learning to unpack your stress + how to manage it transforms your health in ways you never thought possible. From my own experience and recovery from chronic inflammation, burnout and anxiety, this program was born. Inviting you to join the journey to a calmer YOU!

Coming Soon:
Stay tuned because I am getting ready to share the newest squeeze program that will set you up for the zest year of your life. This program is my heart's work. I can't wait!

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,


September 2020 | Squeeze in Slowing Down


My intention this month is to sloooooow down!
Less doing, more being.

Happy new month my beautiful lights! 

So many reasons to find gratitude for August and fill up for September as we head into a new season of change. During these times, I learned to truly appreciate change and still feel grounded and safe in love, connection and hope. To me, change is a sign of growth, of fruition, and of gain. Flipping the perspective from fear of the unknown to seeing opportunities allows you to expand and let abundance to flow right on in. Take a step back from it all for a moment, change is truly beautiful and what you do have right now is a miracle. 

//Mantra of the Month//
I slow down to go fast.

To do this, I am focusing on self-care (this should not surprise anyone here!). I wholeheartedly believe in my method to prioritizing self-care to create more time and energy of what YOU want. I had the most exciting opportunity to join zestie, Zoë Björnson, on her newly launched podcast, It's Not Just A Habit last month. I share all about why self-care has become a non-negotiable ritual of mine since experiencing burnout in my corporate career. For the first time, I share my health journey, my career transition, and all my self-care (+ lemon water) habit nuggets - give my episode a listen here! I am forever inspired by the love and support of this community.

The opportunity to practice self-care is everywhere.

These are my tips for YOU this month to squeeze in self-care... 

Do it everywhere. 
Practicing self-care can be easy peasy when it is top of mind. Set the intention to serve yourself first in order to serve others. This is especially important for all you mamas out there (holding you in so much love and support at this time). If you are not a mama, there is still an inner child in you who needs your nourishment. While brushing your teeth, practice gratitude. While sipping your morning mug, turn off tech. While moving your body, allow your feelings to flow through you. While cooking meals, add in extra love. While checking work emails, practice deep breathing. The intention alone of true nourishment changes your self-care. Notice the shift when you see opportunity everywhere you go and in everything you do!

Take something off your plate & delegate.
This is my top note-to-self. And I still struggle with it. This is your reminder you do not have to, should not have to and simply cannot be doing all the things. When creating your weekly task list, ask yourself: how can I create more time for rest? who can help me achieve this? The key here is zero guilt attached. Simplify, simplify, simplify. Some weeks, I have to order in or take out food. And some nights, I choose sleep over seeing friends. It is OK to not have the time for it all. It is empowering to ask for help and to say no. You are resourceful :)

Add in appreciation.
Appreciation attracts abundance. Compliments go a long way and they feel so good. Practice a compliment a day! Making others feel good can lift your mood, help you stay positive, and attract more of what you desire. I often find reaching out to help and lift others up comes easier and in turn attracts that shift back to me.

If you feel stuck or need more guidance, I am here for YOU. Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or reflections. I have time and space to support you.

Ready to set an intention for September?

I am so excited to see how many of you are signed up for my free intention setting workshop tonight at 7PM on Zoom. Let's squeeze in self-care together!

This month's NEW + GOOD:
Did you know September is also Self-Care Awareness Month? I am so excited to bring back and celebrate the one year anniversary of my very first group program that launched my AMhealth coaching practice, The Self-Care Squeeze. I am the biggest believer self-care is not selfish when you are serving you AND others. Learn about my brand new flow + fundraise challenge for the month.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,
