Damn 2021, You Were Deep + Juicy


my word of 2021 was
w o r t h y

hello my beautiful light!

*raise your hand* if you moved through deep feels in 2021. may you know you are so not alone. the end of the year is near. you are safe to exhale.

this week, brought the energy of the winter solstice. a time + space for deep reflection + old pattern releasing. and as promised, i am sharing with you my lessons learned from this year…

my biggest self-care need = drink more water

wow. wow. wow. i'm just gunna call myself out. the queen of lemon water is chronically dehydrated. never have i ever been so aware of the physical self-care need that is hydration. what brought this to my attention was my evening practice with The Five Minute Journal. almost every single answer to “how could you have made today better even better?” says drink more water. okay intuition, heard loud + clear. i commit to more water *with lemon* from here on out. future merch alert.

compassion is the consistency i've been in search of

they say, consistency is the key to success…hmm, i was so curious to self-explore this one. because i knew deep down doing the same thing day to day, week to week was not for me or my energy. on my human design rabbit hole journey that was 2021, i discovered two important things. one // it wasn't. two // my energy type is actually meant to be “inconsistent.” mind blown!!! the permission that was not to be doing all the time, rather to ebb + flow, to s l o w d o w n + rest. so compassion, compassion, compassion became my bff in the year of unlearning while practicing so much deep ebb + messy flow. you get to choose what consistency means for YOU. for me, the key to consistency is not in the doing, it's in the being. i claim compassion as my consistency + practice it in the way i showed up for myself. and the ultimate vibe is that i get to measure success by how much i choose rest ;)

inner peace is the only *goal*

something i am so freakin proud of is becoming a student of A Course in Miracles this year. i showed up every single day, for every single lesson before anything else in the morning. even on the toughest days, i pressed play + listened to my morning audio lesson. out of them all, this one left an imprint: “making our goal anything other than peace is emotionally self-destructive. if our goal is to get the job, then that's fine if we do, but if we don't get the job, we'll feel depressed. if we make peace our goal, then if we get the job, that's great, but if we don't, we're still peaceful.” there was a standing ovation in my soul when i read this. whether or not it resonates with you too, may be something you are curious to meditate on.

the universe's plan is far better than mine

damn, Gabby Bernstein was right. 2021 was my year of uncertainty (aka anxiety, aka fear). big change. big transformation. big growing pains. after this unique year i can absolutely be certain that i do not have control over what happens AND also that my mind can create an epic reality. the art of manifesting a west coast move, safe friends, a car, dream clients, financial security, + travel was created by the act of surrender. the knees on the floor in breakdown kinda surrender. iykyk. this year taught me how to transform my fear into faith. and if you are a spirit junkie like me (or wanna learn to be!), join us for Gabby's 21 day manifesting challenge starting on january 1 (use code MM50MANIFEST for a discount!).

i have all that i need inside, i really do

my darkness is my teacher. my anxiety is my teacher. my fear is my teacher. my love is my teacher. my light is my teacher. my gratitude is my teacher. and, YOU are the mirror in which i learn how to see myself more clear + more brightly. if this doesn't make sense to you yet, that's more than okay. i hold hope + the vision it will soon. from the words of wisdom that is Rumi, “we're all just walking each other home.” it's safe to be you.

everything is energy, everything.

i think i already learned this one. and, 2021 was the year i integrated it. this lesson reminded me why i so deeply believe it all comes back to intention. everything physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially, environmentally is energy. intention is energy. because energy flows where attention goes. you already know this, keep showing up for my intention setting workshop :)

thank you for learning + growing with me this year. reflecting, renewing + releasing creates space for exciting fresh squeezed *new*

eeeeeep! in this next year, i will be…
sharing The Inner Peace Podcast by AM with the collective on itunes, spotify and apple
launching a course to help you heal yourself
writing my first literary heart work piece

are you a YES to YOU in 2022?

breathing deeply with you
xx AM

for your inspiration.

these are my journal prompts to help you feel proud + at peace with your year...

comment below if you would like to be seen + celebrated by me :)

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,

for more self-care resources, join the Guided by AM membership

NEW! human design trainings, career clarity, biz mentorship + guest healer workshops coming january 2022. community, connection + care already inside.

join the journey.