August 2020 | Squeeze in Fun


My intention this month is to add in more FUN!
Less restriction, less resistance, more ease, more grace.

Reflecting on July helped illuminate the areas of my life where I am met with resistance. As I put my heart and soul into teaching and coaching, I started to find myself making a new set of "rules" for myself. Go to bed by 10pm, work these set hours and times this week, or don't eat this, drink that. While initially, these "rules" helped me create routine, I noticed my perfectionist part reappear when my day turned out differently than planned. Cue the spiral of self-sabotage. Negative thoughts on repeat come into my head: I wish I did this, I wish I said that, ugh I forgot to do this and respond to that. Tension in my shoulders builds up and my heart rate increases, robbing myself of peaceful sleep. All to wake up the next day still frustrated and stuck on yesterday. Sound familiar?

I am here to inspire you and guide you to living your zest life and that means that, I, myself, need to be the first to give myself permission to live my very own zest life too.

To do this I am welcoming August and learning from July. I am taking the below steps to get myself back to feeling good about my choices, my thoughts and my actions. My biggest learning lesson from last month and note to self is: have some damn FUN! And to forgive myself in the process!

 A quote that inspired this month's intention is "Measure your success based on how much fun you are having." Yes! Thank you, Gabby Bernstein. 

 My work is truly what I love and my intention is to make it fun and enjoyable, never stressful or fearful. This return to fun is the work I am going to be doing daily this month! I never want you to think once a positive mindset is formed it remains, it takes practice. Again and again, daily.

Everyday is an opportunity to practice.
Everyday is an opportunity to have fun.

These are my tips for YOU this month to squeeze yourself back into alignment when things start to go sour... 

Take 5 deep breaths. 
Whenever, wherever connect to your breath. I will guide you back to your breath on repeat because it brings your mind + body quickly out of fight or flight and back into rest and restore. Clarity, peace, and happiness live here in this state.

Forgive & have fun.
Mind-training 101: The second you catch yourself going there...simply pause, notice, forgive yourself and return to fun! Oh my squeeze, the freedom you will FEEL. Making forgiveness my return-to-me practice was one of the best techniques I have added to my self-care toolbox. It is okay (and normal) to think and feel negative things, you are human. Your reaction to your experience is always a choice. Rather than fearing failure, crave the opportunity to learn and grow. Try on forgiveness, and follow up that feeling of freedom with some fun.

Add in affirmations.
Affirmations are a great way to cultivate a positive mindset before or when your old negative thought patterns and beliefs pop in. What you believe, is what you see. (Read that again). Believe it in your mind first, and then you will live in alignment with what you wish to see. Adding affirmations into my life daily has changed so much for me. I am inspired by words and quotes so much that this month I have teamed up with zestie, Victoria Szafarski (@wordswherever), to bring you digital daily affirmation cards on Instagram. Save and share any affirmations that resonate. Rewriting affirmations in your journal helps make them powerful too :)

What's your intention for August?

I am so excited to see how many of you are signed up for my free intention setting workshop tonight at 7PM on Zoom. Let's squeeze in self-care together!

To squeeze in more self-care + savasana with AM tune in Monday Morning's LIVE on IG for Matcha Meditation Series

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,
