September 2021 | Squeeze in Sleep


My intention this month is
sleep more, stress less.

Happy new month my beautiful lights! 

May your new month be a new space to destress. 

I have been reflecting quite a bit, now that summer is coming to a close. When I sit down for my end of month reflection, I check in with myself physically, mentally, emotionally + spiritually. As much rest as I gave myself in the slow down of this summer, getting honest with myself meant owning that I lost a lot of sleep from stress. A lot, a lot, a lot of sleep. A lot, a lot, a lot of stress. Truth is that I am still moving through a big lifestyle transition + growth takes time. I share this because I want to normalize that stress is apart of life + the journey. Yet, it is how you perceive + respond to your stress that changes it all (hence my intention + practice to restore my nervous system on repeat!). And that's what I am committed to guiding you towards, ease, inner peace + self-care in both life + in biz, especially during the uncomfortable growing pains. 

Because of this, I've been super sleep curious recently for many reasons! I have been feeling so exhausted + my gemini mind always wants to know why. Let me tell you, nonattaching to the why really saves you from so much stress + gives you back so much energy. And ironically when I do so, some helpful reminders from the universe always drop in. “Drink more water” more on this below in this month's tips! “Remember you are a projector” my human design requiring that I rest saves the day yet again! “Sit in the feeling” It's the avoiding for me! Stuck emotional energy is draining + just wants to be moved. “Find balance” taking a look at other areas of life can help guide where self-care is needed the most, forever reconnected by the holistic approach!

I am also learning that rest looks different in every season of life + for each individual. It's okay to be tired + exhausted. Your intuition is your guide to support you in all the ebbs + flows. 

In pursuit of inner peace, I am setting the intention this month to rekindle my love for my sleep. Sleep is a practice. Sleep is self-care. Sleep is restorative + healing for your nervous system. So I created new content + practices this month to support you + this community in squeezing in sleep + squeezing away stress.

Read below for all updates, announcements + more!

//mantra of the month//
i end my day grateful and go to sleep peaceful.

Fresh squeezed for the Fall… 

NEW! Reiki + Restore AMyoga Class Schedule
I miss seeing you on the mat virutally!!! This Fall, I am bringing back restorative yoga classes on Zoom with an extra energetic boost from both the moon + reiki. Aligning with the moon + receiving reiki can amplify healing with ease. 

Join me on your mat for stillness + self-care under the September New + Full moons:  

Monday, Sept 6 at 5PM PST | 60 min
honoring New Moon in Virgo 

Monday, Sept 20 at 5PM PST | 60 min
honoring Full Moon in Pisces

Drop in | $22
Guided by AM members | FREE

NEW! Guided by AM Membership Content
How is it September?! I could not love creating membership content more each month for all of you. Receiving messages from members about what's shifting in their life from their self-care gives me chills everytime. 

 Inside the membership this month, I have created content aligned to set you up for a peaceful sleep! Members will receive…
AMyoga Reiki + Restore Classes
Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation
Bedtime Journaling Prompt

Also inside the membership, you get access to…
The Inner Peace Podcast by AM
Self-Care Resource Library
7 Day Chakra Cleanse
Workshops + Challenges

 And don't forget about the 8 months of self-care practice from previous months! 

Join for $33/month today + get this month's classes FREE

NEW OPENING! Business Mentorship with AM
I cannot believe it has been 6 months already since launching my business mentorship program. This month, I am celebrating + sending off my very first mentee (@cphonestea) fully equipped with a plan behind her business vision. Today, Christine officially launches her website!!! The hype is so real + this is the kind of work that truly lights me up on repeat. My heart is so grateful to work with committed wellness coaches, creatives and yogipreneurs to build their brand + biz with ease.  

Are you scared to take the leap in your career + life? I left my dream job for my dream life + I want to show you what is possible for YOU. 

I am opening ONE more spot for biz coaching before the end of this year.

For the reminder of the year, I will be deepening my studies in reiki + human design. Energetics for sure has my heart + I am so excited to bring you more guidance around mastering your own energy in the coming months (+ a NEW group program format in 2022!). If you are looking to feel a shift within yourself or are curious about exploring your own human design chart or energy healing, contact me to book a 1:1 session!

Healthy sleep creates a healthy lifestyle.

So hello, September! Let's add in some zzzzzz's. These are my tips to squeeze in your self-care practice this month... 

I. Make naps necessary again.
Studying human design has inspired me to add in more naps (quite literally necessary for projector types!). And wow, the power in a quick nap really does heal + transform. Naps as short as 20 minutes can shift your vibe physically, mentally, emotionally + spiritually. Naps can also boost memory + inspire creativity. This month, remember this acronym: Necessary Adult Peace Sessions. Try swapping 20 minutes of scrolling on social media for a nap.

II. Get honest with hydration.
My note to self seems to always be the same, drink more water. Up to 60% of the human adult body is made up of water: the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, the lungs are about 83% water, the skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, the bones are 31%. Lots of us (me included) are chronically dehydrated. Get honest + check in: how much water do you drink? Think about what that does to your mind, body, energy + to your sleep given those numbers! There is such a synchronicity between drinking water, exhaustion, sleep + healing. Notice what shifts + changes in your quality of sleep + your energy levels on the days you drink more water. Keep a tracker + find an buddy to hold you accountable!

III. Create a safe space to cry.
I keep a post-it on my laptop that reads “Tired? What emotions are you avoiding feeling right now?” If my healing journey has taught me anything, it's that crying is such a form of moving energy. Most of my exhaustion is bottled up in suppressed emotions which impacts sleep. Read that again. So what helps revive my energy for me is to move through my emotions in a safe space. A safe space is one that can hold you, hear you, see you + validate you in your experience. Call a friend you trust, grab your journal, visit your mat + let it all flow out. That's also why slow downing down is key, to feel it is to heal it ;)


Here's what you can expect this September…

Here to guide you to master your own energy, create a restful lifestyle + biz with self-care, intention + ease. 

If you are curious about working together, now is the time to squeeze us in! Sign up for a human design reading, restorative reiki healing, business mentorship workshop or an “Ask AM Anything” holistic health coaching call below.

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU for being here! This is my heart work + I am so grateful to be here sharing this beautiful journey with you all.

Pour yourself a glass of lemon water and squeeze the day!

Light + love always,
